Tag Archives: blogs of the world

Talking to Every Country

CIA_WorldFactBook-Political_world.pdfHave you ever wanted to visit every country in the world? That’s a very difficult thing to do, considering travel restrictions to some countries, but also the amount of money it would take to do so. It’s unlikely I would ever be able to do it.

One person tried reading the world, and succeeded. I have a bit of a challenge for myself to read a book from every country, as well. That’s not an easy thing to do, though.

But what about talking to someone from each country? I would have to wonder how to go about doing that. How do you contact people from every country? For many, it would be easy to just email someone. But for some, access to the internet is limited, and mail may be more feasible. But you know what? There’s a young boy in England named Toby who’s doing just that. For the past three years, since he was five years old, he’s been sending letters to people in as many countries as possible, and it seems he gets replies from nearly half of them. That’s pretty good!

It has me thinking. I’ve tried in the past getting comments from people from as many countries as I could, but it’s not easy getting the word out. So, knowing what kind of person and my interest in countries and geography, I don’t give up easily. I’d like to find blogs of people who live in as many countries as possible and compile a list. Searching will find many, but I’d like to focus on those that talk about books and writing or life and travel in those countries. And I won’t just stick to countries. For some countries, I’ll even include states, provinces, and territories.

So, if you’re reading this, I’d like your help in getting this started. Please leave a comment below with your blog’s address and where you’re from. If possible, please include your state, province, territory, prefecture, or another division within your country. And another favour to ask of you: Please share this post on social media or with your friends. I wonder how far we can go. And maybe you’ll find some interesting blogs, as well.