Tag Archives: The Force Awakens

That Star Wars Trailer

So, lots of people are talking about some new movie coming out later this year called Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  I saw the first teaser trailer and thought, “Meh, whatever.”  So there was a Millennium Falcon in it.  There were characters I’d never seen.  Big fat hairy deal.

Well, then came the second teaser trailer, almost two minutes long.  If you haven’t seen it, here it is.

My thoughts when I watched it? Oh look, a desert with an Imperial Star Destroyer crashed on the surface.  Ooh, it’s Luke speaking.  Oh, Darth Vader’s helmet.  R2D2! And definitely Luke! A woman receiving a light saber.  Oh wait, that was Luke’s, the one he lost! And he said someone has the power of the force?  His child? Then lots of action that looks pretty.  Rey and Finn, two of the new characters.  But then, then it happens.  Millennium Falcon.  The screen went dark.  And we hear it, “Chewie.” The picture comes into focus and there’s Chewbacca with Han Solo!  “We’re home,” he said.  That was what I was waiting to see!

So, it’ll be in 3D.  But while watching the trailer, I noticed how it wasn’t as shiny and pretty as episodes I, II, and III.  It was grittier, like episodes IV, V, and VI.  That’s a very good thing! The nostalgia I felt while watching this was great.  It’s got me looking forward to this so much.

Star Wars and I have an interesting history.  The original movie was in theatres the year I was born.  I saw the movies when I was in elementary school, though.  My cousin loved the movies, had all the toys, and I just watched them.  I didn’t become a big fan.  The late 80s saw me getting into Star Trek, and I was firmly in the Star Trek camp. Fast-forward to Episode I.  I saw it in the theatre when I was in university, and was somewhat unimpressed.  Episodes II and III didn’t impress me, either.  And when Disney got the rights to the movies, I was a bit worried.  But watching this trailer has me excited.  In fact, more excited than I’ve ever been for Star Wars.

I can’t wait!