Tag Archives: book

Why I Review Self-Published Books

As someone who is writing a book and intends to self-publish, I want to support other authors who self-publish. That is why I review them.

You see, while I’m reading traditionally published books in physical form, I also read self-published books on Kindle. I usually have two books going at the same time, and I when I have a little time, I read the eBook.

But aren’t self-published books garbage? Absolutely not! There are some that are very good. Here are three that have received publishing deals after originally being published online or as self-published eBooks:

  • Riyria Revelations, by Michael J. Sullivan
  • Wool, by Hugh Howie
  • The Martian, by Andy Weir

Although I don’t have Wool, I have the other two, and will read them soon. I have also read some that don’t have a publishing contract and are very good. Sure, just like traditionally published books, you find some that aren’t very good.

Below, you can watch the review of the first self-published novel I ever read, Voidhawk, by Jason Halstead.

The original review is here, which I did nearly four years ago.

Do you read self-published books? Let me know in the comments below.

Reflecting on Gardens of the Moon

Have you ever read a book that left a big impression on you even a few years after you read it? One of those books for me is Gardens of the Moon. I read it four years ago, but when I think about it, I remember the incredible worldbuilding, cultures, and characters.

The world is unique. It’s been developed from the ground up, and has a fully fleshed out history. There are so many different cultures spanning continents. And Malazan Book of the Fallen does span several continents. It’s a global story that lasts for many volumes. I’ve only read two. The characters are colourful, imaginative, and far too real. Even though they may be a completely different species than humans, they feel real when I read the books.

I did a review reflecting on my memories of the book on video. Take a look.

I think you get the message that I love how this world has been developed. I want to get back in it and spend more time there. And you know what? This is a book that I want to reread sometime in the future. I can’t say that for many books.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments below.

Ender’s Game Four Years Later

Orson Scott Card is the subject of lot of controversy. But when I read a book, I don’t think about the author. That is irrelevant to me. I look back at Ender’s Game, a book I enjoyed a lot, and I find it’s full of themes that are difficult for anyone to face. I did a video review of it with my thoughts about the book four years after reading it.

What do you think of Ender’s Game? Let me know in the comments below.

A Look Back at Endymion

I looked back at the Hyperion Cantos series and my review of Endymion, by Dan Simmons. You can read my original review here. I remembered it was like an epic journey from planet to planet, and I did a retro book review on YouTube. So, how does it stack up compared to my original review? Check out my video.

Have you read this book? Let me know in the comments below!

Taking a Journey Through the Solar System – The Grand Tour

Ever wanted to go to space? How about a tour of the entire Solar System? That’s what you get with this book.

Four years ago, I reviewed this book when it was in better condition. It’s called The Grand Tour: A Traveler’s Guide to the Solar System. This time, I did a review on video. And you get to see how the book is falling apart. Still a good book!

Honestly, I love this book. The art and photos are beautiful. If you love space and astronomy, I definitely recommend this book.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

2:46 – Memories of the Earthquake in Japan

Making my way through my older reviews to talk about the books on YouTube, I arrived at a very special book. It’s 2:46 – Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake. You can read my original review here.

I did more than just talk about the book in my video. I talked a bit about the experience and how I feel about the book now. Check it out.

What are your memories of the earthquake? Most likely, you weren’t anywhere near it, but there was a lot of news about it. Let me know in the comments below.

Japanese Made Funny – Book Review on Video

The book that made me laugh on the train surrounded by many people. It’s Japanese Made Funny, by Tom Dillon. It was also my third review on this blog. So, it’s now my third video review on YouTube. Check out the video!

It held up to my original rating of 5 stars. I still love reading it.

2001: A Video Review

It’s interesting doing these retro book reviews. It’s been more than four years since I’ve read the book, but the feeling sticks with me. I may not remember all the details, but I can remember pretty well my impression of the book.

This one left a very positive memory for me. I enjoyed it very much, and it was my first five star review. So, I did a video review of it! Enjoy!

The original review is here, if you’d like to read it.

Let me know what you thought of the book in the comments below or on the original review post!

Adult Colouring Books

An interesting new trend these days is colouring books for adults. There are so many different kinds, though most tend to be more artistic and abstract. However, I’ve seen one with Canadian scenery, and a few about different movies.

And then I saw this: The Official A Game of Thrones Coloring Book.

Am I strange as a thirty-nine year old man for wanting this book? It’s A Game of Thrones!