Tag Archives: Hyperloop

A Big Anniversary! The Jay Dee Show 23

Today marks a major anniversary in Japan and for me personally. I had a couple big videos this week, but I only uploaded a total of 3. There’s another I may be able to get up tonight, though.

On my main channel, I only uploaded one video (another coming soon). This video is a continuation of my world building series. This time, it’s about making calendars for sci-fi and fantasy worlds.

And then, moving on to the science channel, I have two new videos, including a science news video and my first video dedicated to a single science topic. The first video is a weekly science news video featuring stories about Hyperloop, Mars, and the white rhino that was killed by poachers.

The second video is a science video about the big earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011.

The next week will feature only one science video, though I’ll probably start preparing the April A to Z videos. I’ll also be doing some regular booktube videos.

Which video did you enjoy the most?

Do We Live in a Science Fiction World?

I hear phrases like these in the news and on science websites:

  • Quantum computing (This is a reality now)
  • Potentially habitable exoplanets (One was recently discovered only 14 light years away)
  • Spooky action (this was observed this year)
  • Metamaterial wormhole teleports magnetic fields across space (This actually happened in a lab this year)
  • We understand how memories are stored and that it’s possible to alter them
  • Elon Musk’s Hyperloop to be tested
  • Mars observed to have liquid water
  • NASA accepting applications for new astronauts – ones to be selected to go to Mars

This is only a small sample of what’s happened this year. These are things that would only have been dreamed of a quarter century ago. They were science fiction. They are reality now.

How do you think science fiction has become reality recently?

Good News and Bad News from Science

Plenty of science news lately. Interesting stuff going on right now, but not all of it is good.

New Horizons is approaching Pluto, and we now have colour movies! This is good news.

The sixth mass extinction has begun, scientists say. This is bad news.

The bright spots on Ceres continue to puzzle scientists, and a surprising mountain has been found there, too. This is good news.

One third of the world’s groundwater is in trouble. This is bad news.

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop will have a test track built by SpaceX, and there’s even going to be a design competition. This is good news.

Have any good or bad science news to share?