A Japan Series You Have to See

320px-Flag_of_Japan.svgIf you like Japan, then you have to see this.  Ali at Haikugirl’s Japan has a weekly series highlighting each of the prefectures in Japan.  If you like geography, travel, and just learning about new places like me, then this is a great way to explore Japan from your computer.  She’s going down the country from north to south, and has already completed Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi. Iwate and Miyagi were both hit hard by the tsunami in 2011.

I really need to finish my series on my Japan blog.

Country Profiles, Real and Fictional

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about geography, as well as watching videos about it.  My focus has been on physical geography, and it’s got me thinking about a few things.

One thing I want to do is write about each country in the world, looking at physical geography, going into what the different geological regions are like, looking at the tallest mountain, major rivers, lakes, and so on.  I would also look a bit at the human side of things, major cities, agriculture, industry, and culture.

Moving on to the fictional, I would also like to do the same for each country on Ariadne.  But in this case, I would have to draw each country’s map, indicate the physical characteristics, such as hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, and other physical features.  I’d also look at the vegetation and climate.  As I’m currently in the discovery phase of Journey to Ariadne, there are no human settlements, so just the physical natural aspects of the world would be looked at.  For each country, I’d write a page on my author’s page, as well as a blog post here.  Sound ambitious?  Well, at least it’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing.  It’ll also be useful in the future, as I’ll have the world set up, and it’ll be real in my mind.

Have you ever developed a world so extensively for a story?