Tag Archives: Sharon Hart

Commentition Mercurial March 2017

It’s been 28 days since the last Commentition. With a shorter time comes a smaller difference from the previous month. How does that affect the standings this month? Let’s find out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  421 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. We already have a change! Back in first place is stomperdad with 89 comments! In his latest blog post, he’s sharing a lot. Check out Sunday Share Week 11.

2. In second place, dropping down from first last month is Miriam! She had 82 comments. Her latest post is all about nature and a sheep. Take a look at A wish to Grow and Bloom.

3. Coming in third place, unchanged from last month is curioushart with 62 comments! In her most recent post, she shares with us an excerpt from Virginia Woolf. Check out Virginia Woolf ~ “The Mark” Part 1.

4. And then, in fourth place, we have another person who’s unchanged. With 44 comments, it’s Thomas Weaver! His ongoing series about grammar and writing mistakes continues with his latest post, Writing Glitch #341.

5. Coming in at fifth place is someone who also hasn’t moved at all. It’s D. T. Nova with 26 comments! He’s a regular reblogger of Authors Answer, and that’s what he’s done most recently. It’s Authors Answer 123 – Should You Write What You Know?

6. And finally, in sixth place, do we have someone new? It’s another person who’s unchanged! With 17 comments, it’s jrhandleyblog! His latest post is an interesting reblog. Take a look at Drumroll…BookBub results! Spoiler…they are awesome!

Thank you everyone for all your comments! It was a slower month, but I’ve been a bit slower due to various reasons. I’m expecting an interesting month coming up, especially with the A to Z Challenge. As always, your comments are part of why I love blogging. I’m looking forward to the next month!

Commentition Funny February 2017

Another month has gone, and we have another Commentition! And amazingly, the standings in this month’s Commentition have changed! There’s a newcomer. It’s interesting when some bloggers come in unexpectedly and make the top six. Wondering who it is? Well, check it out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  431 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. In first place, retaining her top spot is Miriam with 83 comments! But just barely. It’s usually her or stomperdad, and you’ll see where he is soon. Miriam’s latest blog post shows a lot of reflection. Check out Mirror of my thoughts.

2. Coming in second, it’s none other than stomperdad! There was no doubt about it. He followed up very closely with 81 comments. His latest post is the always popular series where he gets his kids to ask him questions. Take a look at Go Ask Your Father: Fat Lips, Vision, AEDs, and Undertows.

3. And then in third place, it’s another person who hasn’t moved at all. It’s Sharon Hart (now curioushart) with 49 comments! Her latest post is a bit of flash fiction. Check out Titled, Untitled, Entitled.

4. It seems that no one’s changing places. But just wait, you’ll see soon! In fourth place, with no movement at all, it’s Thomas Weaver with 43 comments! His latest post is another in his very long series of grammar mistakes. Take a look at Writing Glitch #309.

5. Finally, a bit of change! This time, it’s the return of Authors Answer contributor D. T. Nova with 22 comments! His latest post is all about GoBots and other robots! I used to play with GoBots. Check out GoBots wiki!

6. And in 6th place, it’s a newcomer to the list! It’s J. R. Handley of jrhandleyblog with 19 comments! His latest post shows us an indie sci-fi film. I enjoy watching those kinds of films. They can be very interesting, and they’re easy to watch in a short sitting. Take a look at Indie SciFy Video #2.

Nice to see more variety recently. That means you can check out a new blog or two! I want to thank everyone who comments on this blog. I love the community that’s developed here, and I really enjoy reading your comments. You’re great! Keep on commenting, and we’ll see how things are in a month!

Commentition Jovial January 2017

It’s a new year and a new commitment to post twice a day. However, that ended quickly. And I really need to keep up with the comments. But I became so busy over the holidays that it was difficult to keep up. I’m caught up now, though! It also changed the commenting patterns of commenters. So, let’s see how things have changed.

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  448 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. Is this going to be another month with no change? Let’s see! Coming in first is, yet again, Miriam with 83 comments! Check out her latest post, which has a rather self-explanatory title: Finding some Peace and Quiet.

2. Next up, in second place, is another one that’s unchanged. With 72 comments, it’s stomperdad! In his latest post, he talks about what his kids are learning at school, but not quite what you’d expect! Take a look at Thank You School.

3. Coming in at third place is… someone new! Wow! For the first time in several months, we have a change! With 37 comments, it’s Sharon Hart. Her latest post features some creative writing. Check out Secret Keepers.

4. Then in fourth place is someone who is also unchanged. With 36 comments, it’s Thomas Weaver. His latest post is another piece of writing advice in the form of writing mistakes: Writing Glitch #275. Check it out!

5. And in fifth place, down from third, it’s Gradmama2011 with 29 comments. I guess we have some movement in the ranks. Her latest post is a poem. Take a look at ambivalence.

6. And finally, in sixth place, we have someone who dropped from fifth. With 24 comments, it’s my sister leeannarcher. Take a look at her post-less non-blog.

So, we actually had a change for once! The holidays affected the rankings a bit. I wonder how it’s going to change next month. If I can keep up to date on replying to comments, then I think I’ll be able to increase the number of comments, and the rankings may change again.

Of course, I have to thank all the commenters. Please keep it up! I love reading all the comments.