Tag Archives: email

Yahoo, I’m Getting Tired of This

Well, I think it’s time to change to Gmail. Yahoo was being especially difficult today. I was searching for several emails, and it became very clear that Yahoo Mail wasn’t cooperating. It was coming up with absolutely no search results for anything. This was just the last straw.

Back in 2004, someone invited me to Gmail, and I started using it. I used it until sometime in 2006, but never really got into it. And I don’t know why. I guess my Yahoo address was far more established, and I had no problems with it then. I eventually completely lost my Gmail address. But I liked how Gmail was set up.

Well, no more. I’m setting up a Gmail address and will start transitioning over to using that for all of my important accounts and business. Yahoo will continue to be used for subscriptions and accounts where I don’t really need to see the emails. I’ll also use it as a backup.

So, hello Gmail!

Yahoo Email Difficulties

My main email address is through Yahoo. I’ve been using it for years, but I’ve found I get so many emails on it, mostly from blogs I subscribe to, other accounts, and spam. I use it for searching for jobs, communicating with Authors Answer contributors, and more. But with so many emails coming in, I’m thinking it’s time to get a dedicated email address strictly for communication and my blog.

And then today, I noticed an important email was stuck in the spam folder, and I’ve been unable to move it to my inbox. Nothing I’ve tried works. Very strange.

So, I’m going to start up a new email address, but not with Yahoo. I’ll use it for all of my important communication. My question for you is this: Have you had any trouble with Yahoo recently? And how is Gmail? I used Gmail a long time ago when it was new, but stopped using it, since my Yahoo address was my main one. Let me know in the comments.

Talking to Authors

Many readers would love to talk to their favourite authors. With the internet, it’s quite possible to have that chance. But it depends on the author, as well. Some are very open to talking to their readers and easy to contact. However, others are quite busy and not at all easy to get in touch with. Some have other people handle their correspondence.

I’ve spoken with a couple authors who are well-known or relatively well-known within their genres. One is Alastair Reynolds. He wrote the Revelation Space series. The other is Michael J. Sullivan. He wrote the Riyria series (and is still writing in that series). Michael has contributed on this blog, as well. There are many others I would like to talk to, and maybe I will in the future.

Which authors have you spoken to (in person or by email is fine), and who would you like to talk to? Let me know in the comments!