Tag Archives: to read

Why Can’t I Read Every Book I Want?

If you look on Goodreads, and check out my to read list, you’ll notice that I have 923 books listed. At the pace I’ve been reading, it’ll take me forty-six years to read all of them. But for many of them, they’re only the first books of series I want to read. That means the number of books is easily three to four times as big. My life won’t be that long.

I’ve noticed some people, including authors, can read up to 300 books a year. I’d really like to know how they do that! How many hours do they read every day? How do they find the time to do that?

I know I’ve been slacking off in my reading recently. I really should just try go somewhere in the house where I can be by myself and read. But that’s difficult to do. I could easily read an hour or two a day. I remember when I was in university, I read four or five hours a day for a while. I burned through the books quickly. But this was during summer when I had no classes, and all I was doing was working. I’d like to get through my books quickly. I want to read at least fifty books a year.

How many books do you read a year? How many hours do you read every day? Let me know in the comments below.

Booktube Episode 2: Attack of the Books

I’ve mentioned before about the new books I got from Amazon back in April. I have a nice picture of it. Well, now I have the same books in video form! That’s right, my Booktubing continues with my second video.

In this one, we have a kind of video called the Book Haul. Although I said it’s the June 2016 Book Haul, I got the books in April. But I made the video in June. That works, right? Anyway, here is the video.

Some things I’ve realised is that I need to look at the camera lens, not the screen, while I’m recording videos. I have a bad habit of staring at the screen. Looking is fine, because I need to position the books and make sure there’s no reflection. I really need to reduce the “um” and “uh” sounds. I could edit them out, but that would take a lot of time. I could script, but I’d keep looking at the script. I think I’ll just keep doing what I’ve been doing and edit out the biggest pauses.

Let me know what you think of the video in the comments below.