Booktube Episode 2: Attack of the Books

I’ve mentioned before about the new books I got from Amazon back in April. I have a nice picture of it. Well, now I have the same books in video form! That’s right, my Booktubing continues with my second video.

In this one, we have a kind of video called the Book Haul. Although I said it’s the June 2016 Book Haul, I got the books in April. But I made the video in June. That works, right? Anyway, here is the video.

Some things I’ve realised is that I need to look at the camera lens, not the screen, while I’m recording videos. I have a bad habit of staring at the screen. Looking is fine, because I need to position the books and make sure there’s no reflection. I really need to reduce the “um” and “uh” sounds. I could edit them out, but that would take a lot of time. I could script, but I’d keep looking at the script. I think I’ll just keep doing what I’ve been doing and edit out the biggest pauses.

Let me know what you think of the video in the comments below.

6 thoughts on “Booktube Episode 2: Attack of the Books”

  1. Hey JD…the sound doesn’t work on my mainframe, but I read the closed captions. I have a suggestion … (of course I do!) when you do the next video … pretend you just got this great box of books, and your best friend has dropped by to visit, but you can’t wait to get into that box! (I for one am practically jumping up and down with glee when I get a box in the mail…
    Try to forget the camera.

    Then open the box, and just chat about each book… like you would to a friend, with facial expressions and grins and snickers…and just chatter on. Glance at the camera once in awhile, but, like its your friend… “ooo Here’s a book I’ve been waiting for! Check it out…great cover, eh? I like this author…great ideas!…not too far-fetched or technical…”

    NO, I’m no expert on making videos…not even close! But you asked for opinions…and you know ya never have to ask ME twice. 🙂

    1. Takes some time getting used to talking to a camera. One thing I’ve noticed is that most people who make videos like this speak fairly calmly. Though some are very excited. But the thing is, I don’t get excited like that. Ever. It would be so out of character for me, I would feel very uncomfortable doing it 🙂

      1. no cart=wheels or other antics…I was suggesting quiet and serious, but conversational tone…like talking to someone you like and respect, but not real close friends.

        1. That’s the strange thing. When talking to someone, I expect them to respond, and while they’re talking, I have time to formulate a response to them. With this, I’m giving a monologue, which doesn’t give me much time to think.

  2. The one thing that I noticed was you repeated “I’m looking forward to reading this book” for each one. I don’t think you would have purchased them if you didn’t want to read them. 😜 Great job otherwise!

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