Tag Archives: ask me anything

Big Q&A Post Coming! Need Questions!

Yesterday, I posted that a big milestone is approaching. Well, that milestone is coming so close that there are only a few hours left. And I only have one question asked! Not enough! So, please go to this post and ask me anything. Absolutely anything you like. Let’s make this a big Q&A. If not, I’ll have to think of something less interesting, and quite frankly, not as fun. So, what are you waiting for? If you’re reading this post, then you can definitely ask me a question. That means you, you, and you. And you, too.

And here’s a nice cloud picture.

Big Milestone Approaching! Ask Me Anything

This blog has a big milestone coming up, and I thought I’d do something a bit different for it. I’d like to do a Q & A. This will happen on Saturday night, so you only have two days to ask me questions!

What exactly is this milestone? I’ll tell you on Saturday. It might surprise you. But in the meantime, the comments section is at your disposal. You can ask me anything. And I mean anything. Whether I answer the question or not depends on if it’s too personal or inappropriate.

So, ask away! I want a lot of questions, so please share this post. I’m looking forward to your questions.

100 Subscribers on YouTube!

Wow. That was pretty quick. Three weeks ago, I started doing Booktube on my YouTube channel. I had around 50 subscribers at that time. I just hit 100! I know, that’s kind of small compared to a couple other things. This blog has 1,371 followers and I have 3,486 followers on Twitter. However, doubling my subscribers in such a short time is pretty nice, even though it’s only 100.

So, for my 100 subscriber celebration, I want questions! Ask me anything! You can go to this blog post and ask me there. I want a lot of questions, so please ask! Or you can ask me on this post. That’s fine, too.

Ask Me Anything!

I’m thinking of making a video where I talk about myself. Oh, so self-centred, isn’t it? Actually, I don’t intend it to be entirely about me, but any topics related to what I like, how I make videos, how I write, and so on. Ask me anything!

Well, I think that the questions should be clean, of course. But also, try to stick to these topics:

  • Books
  • Making videos
  • Writing
  • Living in Japan
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Hobbies

I think those topics should be good. So, please ask me the questions in the comments below, and in the video, I’ll mention you and your blog name (or if you have a YouTube channel, I’ll also mention it). I’ll also link to it from the video’s description and the blog post I’ll do along with it. Thanks!