Tag Archives: fear

I Don’t Want to Go to School!

My daughter was more difficult to get to sleep tonight than usual. She often talks and plays with the toys she wants to sleep with, but usually goes to sleep within about thirty minutes. Tonight, it took her one and a half hours to go to sleep. You see, she wanted to talk about school.

It started off with her asking if we will go to school with her. She was hoping we’d stay in the class with her. However, I explained to her that we can take her to school and pick her up, but we can’t stay in the school with her. She’ll be with the teacher and her new friends. But she started to cry and told us she didn’t want to be with the teacher. She didn’t want to be with friends. She didn’t want to play with the toys at school.  She wanted to play with me and my wife and her toys.

It’s still a month until school starts, and she’s usually happy about going to school. However, she occasionally says she doesn’t want to go to school. But hopefully, she’ll enjoy going to school. She’ll probably cry, and she said she’d cry, but that’s pretty common. I’ve taught kids around the same age who cried.

One more month. Better make the best of that month with her.

We Had a Great Thunderstorm, My Daughter Disagrees

Watch this video. Watch it all the way through. There’s a surprise ending you may enjoy.

It was an interesting night. She refused to go into her bedroom or the master bathroom. She could see lightning. She fell asleep on our bed with my arms around her and her face buried in my chest. She was scared!

Funny thing that I didn’t mention is that my mom was sitting near the window, and my wife told my daughter that she was a superhero because she’s close to the window. My daughter said she can’t be a superhero. Only Daddy is a superhero.

I guess I’m her superhero.

I hope you enjoyed the video. Comments are always welcome!

An Attack of Creativity

I don’t know how it happens, but I get these creative inspirations at the oddest times.

It started out while I was taking a shower.  It seems like many of my writing ideas happen while I’m in the shower.  However, the more I thought about it, the stronger my idea became.  I washed dishes and my idea was almost fully fleshed out.

So, what’s my idea?  I have another writing project plan, but this is a series of short stories.  It’s about a man who’s dying and his final wish is to visit the planets of the solar system.  He gets his wish in exchange for something.  I won’t say, because I don’t want to give anything away.  It’s planned to be nine parts and easy to read.  It’ll be part adventure and part sci-fi.

And that’s my shower of knowledge story. [Edit: Hahahaha! What was I thinking when I wrote this last line? I was half asleep at the time.]

Arachnophobes, Don’t Look

Is there anything you really don’t like?  Something that can give you nightmares?  How about this?

Golden silk orb-weaver spider.

This is a golden silk orb-weaver spider.  They can be found all over the world with various colours and patterns.  But they’re all quite big and build elaborate webs.  Although I’m not fond of spiders, I do have to admit that these are quite beautiful.  I even took a video of it.

So, that was about as close as I could get to it.  I really don’t like spiders.  I find them creepy.  They have a venom that is quite strong, but it’s not lethal to humans.  We’d survive when bitten, but we’d feel a lot of pain in the area of the bite.  I’ll stay away from them.

So, what’s your nightmare?  Can’t wait to read your comments.