Tag Archives: Justin Trudeau

I Met Justin Trudeau! The Jay Dee Show 31

What a week it’s been in videos. Well, just three videos this week, but one of them was a pretty big event. You see, I met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau! And yes, I have video.

So, on my main channel, there were three videos. The first is, of course, the Justin Trudeau video. And you know what? He hugged my daughter! Check it out!

Next up is some sad news. Zack Snyder pulled out of the Justice League movie, leaving it to Joss Whedon. His daughter committed suicide, so he decided to be with his family. Also, James Bond actor Roger Moore passed away this week. I talk about both in this special geek vlog (a new series of vlogs I’ll be doing whenever there’s something interesting to talk about that doesn’t fit in with my regular videos).

And finally, a kind of tutorial for anyone who wants to start a booktube channel on YouTube. I give some tips and pointers for beginners. If you’re interested, this may help you out! Check it out.

No science videos this week, but I may have one in the next couple days. I won’t be doing any science videos over the next two weeks, since I’ll be in Japan. Actually, one of the future science videos will be partly recorded in Japan.

And as for the next update, there might be one next weekend if I manage to spend time on my computer. I also plan on doing a travel vlog while I’m in Japan. So, definitely check out my main channel and subscribe if you want to follow that!

Which video did you enjoy the most? Let me know in the comments section below.

Tired of the Lies and Politicization of the Fort McMurray Disaster

Have you seen this meme going around on Facebook?

trudeaumemeIt is a lie. It’s propaganda designed to make you hate Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government of Canada. I’m not going to go through why this is a lie. Please read this wonderful explanation about exactly what’s happening with the situation and why the Canadian government will be spending a lot more on Fort McMurray than Syrian refugees.

Before you start sharing political memes on the internet, do a little research. Most likely, it’s not true. I’m finding several people I know are falling for these memes and sharing them, thinking they’re true. Well, they’re not true. I am honestly getting tired of all of the people who share things like this without thinking rationally about it. It’s all emotional. Please stop it.

Canada’s New Liberal Cabinet

I think this was the first Canadian Federal Election I’ve been interested in to such a great degree. I watched what was going on for several months, seeing the rise of the NDP, the fall of the Conservative Party, and the eventual huge win by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party.

Trudeau is young. He was a big question mark for a lot of people. Too young, too inexperienced, lived a privileged life. After the swearing in and the selection of the Cabinet, I have to think he did a pretty good job so far. Of course, it’s still early.

The Cabinet is quite interesting. Fifty percent are women. There’s a fair number of south and central Asian members. Two are Canadian born Indian, two were born in India, and one was born in Afghanistan. One is now the Minister of National Defence. And one of them will be my Member of Parliament, as I’ll be living in his riding next year. Not only do we have a Minister of Environment, but she’s the Minister of Environment and Climate Change. That’s right, a minister who’s in charge of climate change! You can see the full Cabinet at the Liberal Party’s website.

It looks like Justin Trudeau is serious about diversity in the government and climate change. I’m interested in seeing what happens next.

If you’re Canadian, what do you think of the Cabinet?

So, We Have Another Prime Minister Trudeau

The Canadian Federal election has got to be one of the most contentious I’ve witnessed in a long time. Not between the candidates or parties, but between people I know. Tom Mulcair and the NDP didn’t win, so let’s leave them out of this a bit, other than the fact that many people were saying they’d put the country in huge debt.

Let’s talk about Trudeau versus Harper. Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party was the Prime Minister. Many of the people I knew were incredibly happy that Harper is out. He’s been called the worst Prime Minister ever. Someone who has something against science and the environment and more concerned with money and oil. Others have said he was a great Prime Minister and is the best hope for Canada.

Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are now in power with a majority. With the win, many people I know are very happy and think he’s got some very good support behind him in the party. Others say he’ll destroy the country by taxing us too much.

Well, I don’t like being so extreme. Elections bring out the worst in a lot of people. Their favourite party must win or else it’s the end of the world. It happens in every election. I’m optimistic about the Liberals being in power again. The last time they were, the country had a great economy, a big surplus, and had a very good reputation around the world. I’m more of a “wait and see” kind of person than a “doom and gloom” person or cheerleader.

So, let’s see where this new government takes Canada.

Voters Debating on the Canadian Federal Election

For the non-Canadians who read this, Canada has a federal parliamentary system with three major political parties and a couple others that may get a vote or five. Of the major parties, we have the currently ruling Conservative party run by Stephen Harper, the New Democratic Party run by Thomas Mulcair, and the Liberal party run by Justin Trudeau. They are all pretty even at this time, as there’s a major revolt going on against the Conservative party and Harper’s often rule-breaking run as Prime Minister.

I’ve seen something a lot on Facebook. I have friends who are big Conservative supporters, friends who are big NDP supporters, and friends who are big Liberal supporters. Each and everyone one of them who talks about politics tends to be religiously attached to their party of choice and believes that the country will be destroyed if any of the other parties is in power. While the NDP and Liberal supporters don’t necessarily like each other much, they’re united in their desire for everyone to not vote for the Conservatives. And then the Conservatives are always attacking the NDP and Liberals.

But you know, this always happens during elections. It happens in any country that has a democratic vote. Sometimes it’s entertaining, sometimes it’s truly horrific to see what people actually think.

Honestly, if he hadn’t died of cancer, I would have loved to have seen Jack Layton as Prime Minister.

Any thoughts, Canadian readers? Just don’t start insulting others, please.