A Book for Every Country

It’s been four weeks since I posted a request for the best books from your countries. I’ve received some good responses, and have covered the expected countries, but some surprising ones, too.

I now have recommendations from the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Japan, and Nigeria. Nigeria? Yes! I know a lot of my readers are from India, Germany, Singapore, the Netherlands, and Australia. I know some of you from New Zealand, Malaysia, France, and Russia. I’d love to hear your recommendations, too. So, please go to my original post and give me a recommendation. That would be wonderful.

Also, please share the original post. If you have Facebook, you can share this Facebook post.

In the near future, I’m going to begin keeping a list of the books and authors that have been recommended to me, and updating frequently. I think I’ll have a map showing the countries that have been included so far.

Without you, this project can’t go forward. So, please do what you can to let others know about it, and I’ll be able to make a great list of books. Eventually, I’ll narrow them down to the ones I’m most interested in, and I’ll attempt to read them.

Any comments? Leave them below. However, if you have a book suggestion, please leave them in the original post.

Week in Review – January 30, 2016

The final week of January brings me to only two months left in Japan. I’m feeling a sense of change, both in my attitude about moving, and a strong motivation for writing and the blog. In fact, there’s something new brewing. Let’s find out what happened this week.


I’ve made fairly big strides in reading Mercury by Ben Bova. I’m now at 66% finished. I wish I’d finished already, though. I’ll be behind my desired pace. I made no progress in Keepers of Water.


No writing done, but I have a new project in development that will encourage me and others to write. It’s the replacement/continuation of What Will You Write? I wrote about it this week. If you enjoy writing flash fiction, you might want to join when it’s ready to begin.


I’ve made very little progress. I’ve done some French reviewing, but nothing else. I need to work more on Cyrillic before starting up with Ukrainian and Russian. There’s a new language to try out on Duolingo, though. That’s Welsh! I’ll probably check it out in the next week.


Cleaning happening. I’m going to start looking for possible jobs in Edmonton. I may even apply if I can. Also, the time to make an appointment for my daughter’s kindergarten is coming up soon. We need to meet with the school to register her for kindergarten starting in September.


Yes! Finally, I have a video, and it’s about chocolate yakisoba. I posted about it yesterday. Check it out. It’s an unusual food.

The Blog

Like I said above, I’m starting a flash fiction weekly series in the spring. Other than that, I need to get caught up with the Authors Answer index page, as well as updating the review pages. I’ve fallen behind on the Top Ten lists, but I have one in development. For February, though, I’m going to switch topics to geography.


This has completely fallen through. I need to take on these online courses when I actually have time.

The Next Week’s Goals

A review or two. Also, another video or two. And hopefully a worldbuilding post. I may not do all of this, but I like to set my goals a bit higher than I know I can achieve. And I still need to revive my parenting blog.

What did you do in the past week? What are you planning for next week? Let me know in the comments below.