Tag Archives: subscribers

Hit By the YouTube Subscriber Glitch

Have you heard of the subscriber glitch on YouTube? In a nutshell, what happens is that the moment you upload a video, you lose subscribers. Many big YouTubers have been complaining about this for months. I didn’t complain about it, because it didn’t seem to affect me at all. I had solid subscriber growth. Until about a month ago, that is.

It seems that I lose subscribers as fast as I gain them, and the losses are almost always the very moment I upload a video. You think it may be because someone just didn’t like my video? That may be possible, but it’s happening to far too many people, and the decrease in subs happens the very moment videos are uploaded.

A couple weeks ago, another booktuber sent me a message, saying that she was no longer subscribed to my channel. However, she never unsubscribed from me. She was just suddenly unsubscribed. She subscribed again, and everything is fine. However, many of the people who are unsubscribed never notice it, especially if they watch videos from many different channels.

I personally haven’t noticed being unsubscribed from other channels. However, it’s very possible that I have been unsubscribed. I watch so many channels that it’s easy to miss just one or two.

This problem is something that YouTube seems to be just pushing aside and not properly addressing it. They’ve even commented that they don’t unsubscribe people from other channels. They say that if you’re subscribed, your subscription won’t be removed. But the thing is, people are being unsubscribed without their consent all the time! This is a problem for those who use YouTube for their main income. If they lose subscribers, they lose views. That lowers their revenue. Not good.

If you make YouTube videos, have you been noticing a sudden drop in subscribers when you upload videos? Let me know in the comments below.

100 Subscribers on YouTube!

Wow. That was pretty quick. Three weeks ago, I started doing Booktube on my YouTube channel. I had around 50 subscribers at that time. I just hit 100! I know, that’s kind of small compared to a couple other things. This blog has 1,371 followers and I have 3,486 followers on Twitter. However, doubling my subscribers in such a short time is pretty nice, even though it’s only 100.

So, for my 100 subscriber celebration, I want questions! Ask me anything! You can go to this blog post and ask me there. I want a lot of questions, so please ask! Or you can ask me on this post. That’s fine, too.

Income from YouTube

As you all know, I’m making videos on YouTube, and have already done three new ones in the past week. That’s a pretty good pace for me. It’s a pace I’d like to keep up. I’ll be doing short vlog style videos for a while about our move to Canada. They’ll mainly just be me talking and maybe showing you what I see (especially when we’re on the move, going places).

The videos for A Taste of Japan will be coming, don’t worry. I’ve found them difficult to work on because of the amount of time required to edit them. They are big videos with many pieces to stitch together. I’ll be doing another video for that this weekend, actually. Going to Kawazu in Ito City, Shizuoka. It’s on the Izu Peninsula, which is famous for hot springs and resorts. We’ll be seeing the Kawazuzakura, or Kawazu cherry trees, which should be in full bloom. We’ll be spending a night with my wife’s parents at a hotel there, and we can enjoy some hot springs. Believe it or not, that’ll be the first time I’m experiencing hot springs in Japan! I’ll be sure to take whatever video I can for another installment of A Taste of Japan.

But what I want to mention is that once we get to Canada, I’m going to have my YouTube channel monetized. That means that I’ll be getting advertising income from Google/YouTube, though it’ll be incredibly small. That is unless I can get more subscribers and views. I currently have 45 subscribers (the 45th subscribed yesterday!), and haven’t been consistent in creating content, so I understand that small number. But now that I’m getting serious about it, I hope to increase that number by quite a bit. So, this is where you come in. If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I would be incredibly grateful. And whenever you can, please share my videos.

The future of my channel looks bright. In addition to the immigration vlog, I’ll be doing travel videos for Japan and Canada in the short term. I also plan on doing a lot of videos related to books and writing, though I’m not sure what direction to take that yet. Actually, if you have any suggestions about what I could do, that would be great. I’m always open to that. You can leave your suggestions in the comments below. And thanks to those of you who subscribe!