So, We Have Another Prime Minister Trudeau

The Canadian Federal election has got to be one of the most contentious I’ve witnessed in a long time. Not between the candidates or parties, but between people I know. Tom Mulcair and the NDP didn’t win, so let’s leave them out of this a bit, other than the fact that many people were saying they’d put the country in huge debt.

Let’s talk about Trudeau versus Harper. Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party was the Prime Minister. Many of the people I knew were incredibly happy that Harper is out. He’s been called the worst Prime Minister ever. Someone who has something against science and the environment and more concerned with money and oil. Others have said he was a great Prime Minister and is the best hope for Canada.

Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are now in power with a majority. With the win, many people I know are very happy and think he’s got some very good support behind him in the party. Others say he’ll destroy the country by taxing us too much.

Well, I don’t like being so extreme. Elections bring out the worst in a lot of people. Their favourite party must win or else it’s the end of the world. It happens in every election. I’m optimistic about the Liberals being in power again. The last time they were, the country had a great economy, a big surplus, and had a very good reputation around the world. I’m more of a “wait and see” kind of person than a “doom and gloom” person or cheerleader.

So, let’s see where this new government takes Canada.

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Let’s not even think about the colds we have, first of all. My sister has been here for 11 days, and we’re now on the 12th full day with only today, Wednesday, and Thursday to go for sightseeing. She goes back to Canada on Friday. The time has flown so quickly.

We’ve seen a lot, but it could’ve been better. We could’ve been healthy. She’ll remember Japan as the country she visited twice and caught a cold both times.

Today is a big day. Off to Shinjuku, Harajuku, and Shibuya. Tomorrow is Tokyo Station area, Imperial Gardens, and Tokyo International Forum. We may have time for something else, so we’ll see. On Thursday, it’s Marine Tower, Chinatown, and the Yamate area. We may see Hikawa-maru and Sankeien. She’s already been to Chinatown, but it was very brief. This time, probably having lunch there.

And that’s it. Then she goes home on Friday. We’ll see her and my mom in five and a half months when we move to Canada, though.

Well, time for three days of great sightseeing! And plenty of videos.