Tag Archives: Eric Wood

Commentition Mercurial March 2017

It’s been 28 days since the last Commentition. With a shorter time comes a smaller difference from the previous month. How does that affect the standings this month? Let’s find out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  421 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. We already have a change! Back in first place is stomperdad with 89 comments! In his latest blog post, he’s sharing a lot. Check out Sunday Share Week 11.

2. In second place, dropping down from first last month is Miriam! She had 82 comments. Her latest post is all about nature and a sheep. Take a look at A wish to Grow and Bloom.

3. Coming in third place, unchanged from last month is curioushart with 62 comments! In her most recent post, she shares with us an excerpt from Virginia Woolf. Check out Virginia Woolf ~ “The Mark” Part 1.

4. And then, in fourth place, we have another person who’s unchanged. With 44 comments, it’s Thomas Weaver! His ongoing series about grammar and writing mistakes continues with his latest post, Writing Glitch #341.

5. Coming in at fifth place is someone who also hasn’t moved at all. It’s D. T. Nova with 26 comments! He’s a regular reblogger of Authors Answer, and that’s what he’s done most recently. It’s Authors Answer 123 – Should You Write What You Know?

6. And finally, in sixth place, do we have someone new? It’s another person who’s unchanged! With 17 comments, it’s jrhandleyblog! His latest post is an interesting reblog. Take a look at Drumroll…BookBub results! Spoiler…they are awesome!

Thank you everyone for all your comments! It was a slower month, but I’ve been a bit slower due to various reasons. I’m expecting an interesting month coming up, especially with the A to Z Challenge. As always, your comments are part of why I love blogging. I’m looking forward to the next month!

Commentition Funny February 2017

Another month has gone, and we have another Commentition! And amazingly, the standings in this month’s Commentition have changed! There’s a newcomer. It’s interesting when some bloggers come in unexpectedly and make the top six. Wondering who it is? Well, check it out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  431 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. In first place, retaining her top spot is Miriam with 83 comments! But just barely. It’s usually her or stomperdad, and you’ll see where he is soon. Miriam’s latest blog post shows a lot of reflection. Check out Mirror of my thoughts.

2. Coming in second, it’s none other than stomperdad! There was no doubt about it. He followed up very closely with 81 comments. His latest post is the always popular series where he gets his kids to ask him questions. Take a look at Go Ask Your Father: Fat Lips, Vision, AEDs, and Undertows.

3. And then in third place, it’s another person who hasn’t moved at all. It’s Sharon Hart (now curioushart) with 49 comments! Her latest post is a bit of flash fiction. Check out Titled, Untitled, Entitled.

4. It seems that no one’s changing places. But just wait, you’ll see soon! In fourth place, with no movement at all, it’s Thomas Weaver with 43 comments! His latest post is another in his very long series of grammar mistakes. Take a look at Writing Glitch #309.

5. Finally, a bit of change! This time, it’s the return of Authors Answer contributor D. T. Nova with 22 comments! His latest post is all about GoBots and other robots! I used to play with GoBots. Check out GoBots wiki!

6. And in 6th place, it’s a newcomer to the list! It’s J. R. Handley of jrhandleyblog with 19 comments! His latest post shows us an indie sci-fi film. I enjoy watching those kinds of films. They can be very interesting, and they’re easy to watch in a short sitting. Take a look at Indie SciFy Video #2.

Nice to see more variety recently. That means you can check out a new blog or two! I want to thank everyone who comments on this blog. I love the community that’s developed here, and I really enjoy reading your comments. You’re great! Keep on commenting, and we’ll see how things are in a month!

Commentition Jovial January 2017

It’s a new year and a new commitment to post twice a day. However, that ended quickly. And I really need to keep up with the comments. But I became so busy over the holidays that it was difficult to keep up. I’m caught up now, though! It also changed the commenting patterns of commenters. So, let’s see how things have changed.

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  448 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. Is this going to be another month with no change? Let’s see! Coming in first is, yet again, Miriam with 83 comments! Check out her latest post, which has a rather self-explanatory title: Finding some Peace and Quiet.

2. Next up, in second place, is another one that’s unchanged. With 72 comments, it’s stomperdad! In his latest post, he talks about what his kids are learning at school, but not quite what you’d expect! Take a look at Thank You School.

3. Coming in at third place is… someone new! Wow! For the first time in several months, we have a change! With 37 comments, it’s Sharon Hart. Her latest post features some creative writing. Check out Secret Keepers.

4. Then in fourth place is someone who is also unchanged. With 36 comments, it’s Thomas Weaver. His latest post is another piece of writing advice in the form of writing mistakes: Writing Glitch #275. Check it out!

5. And in fifth place, down from third, it’s Gradmama2011 with 29 comments. I guess we have some movement in the ranks. Her latest post is a poem. Take a look at ambivalence.

6. And finally, in sixth place, we have someone who dropped from fifth. With 24 comments, it’s my sister leeannarcher. Take a look at her post-less non-blog.

So, we actually had a change for once! The holidays affected the rankings a bit. I wonder how it’s going to change next month. If I can keep up to date on replying to comments, then I think I’ll be able to increase the number of comments, and the rankings may change again.

Of course, I have to thank all the commenters. Please keep it up! I love reading all the comments.


Commentition Decadent December 2016

As my post a day experiment continues this month, and likely ends at the end of the year, the comments still come in more slowly than they used to. And I expect the upcoming holidays will be slow, as well. But let’s find out how the standings have changed!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  439were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. The competition for the top position was incredibly close. Just 1 comment separates first from second! With 66 comments, our first place commenter is Miriam, up from third! Her latest post is a photographic one, but reflects on 2016 and looks ahead to 2017. Check out New Horizon.

2. Coming in very close behind first place with 65 comments is stomperdad! He’s down one spot. The top two were so closely matched throughout the last two weeks, I could never tell who would take the top spot. His latest post is part of a series he’s doing this month: The Daily Elf.

3. In third place, down from second, we have a regular top three commenter. With 61 comments, it’s Gradmama2011! Her latest post is a bit of a political one. Check out the trouble with time limits.

4. Next up in fourth place is someone who didn’t change position at all. With 37 comments, it’s Thomas Weaver! His latest post is part of his long-running writing mistake series. Check out Writing Glitch #246.

5. And then, in fifth place, we have someone who has a blog, but no posts. With 33 comments, it’s my sister, leeannarcher! Check out her post-less blog!

6. And finally, do we get a new commenter? Let’s see. With 25 comments, we have The Shameful Narcissist! She hasn’t moved in the rankings at all. Take a look at her latest post, part of a weekly Sunday series, Question of the Week: 12/11/16.

Well then, we finish the year with the same six commenters yet again. They’re persistent, aren’t they? It’s tough competition getting in the top six, so I have to wonder if the holidays are going to affect anything. Who’s going to be in the top six in the first Commentition of 2017?

Thanks to everyone who comments! I really enjoy reading and replying to your comments. I’m looking forward to many more years of comments!

Commentition Naughty November 2016

It’s a new month and a big change in the way I’m posting on the blog. Only once a day. This means fewer comments are likely, since there are fewer posts. So, it’ll be interesting to see how things change. This is not a permanent thing, though. I do plan on posting more often next month. Consider November my vacation! Let’s find out how much the standings have changed.

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  451 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. There seems to be a battle for first place lately, as it switches commenters from month to month. Returning to first place with 69 comments is stomperdad! His latest post is the always humourous series Questions I Asked My Kids (ep. 28).

2. Rising up from third place, we have another regular to the top six, Gradmama2011! She had 60 comments. With the American election having happened this week, her latest post is My answer to a question in the Washington Post this morning.

3. The top three have shuffled around from last month, so down from first place with 59 comments is Miriam! In her latest post, she’s helping out in a book launch! Check out Book Launch Celebration Party.

4. Now for the bottom three of this list (still top six, though!), up from fifth place is Thomas Weaver! He had 45 comments. His latest post is a reblog of yesterday’s post here on this blog, so his latest actual post by him is Writing Glitch #218. Check out his grammar tips!

5. Down from fourth place this month is my sister! Leeannarcher had 38 comments, so she’s staying in the top six. Check out her postless blog!

6. And finally, who rounds out the top six? Is it someone new? A regular? Well, with 35 comments, it’s The Shameful Narcissist! She’s maintained her position this month. Her latest post is a Final Fantasy themed one. Take a look at Final Fantasy Friday: Final Fantasy Tarot – XII The Hanged Man.

Wow! Our top six haven’t changed for quite some time. They’re tough to compete against! What will happen in December? Will someone rise into the ranks of the top six? We’ll see!

As always, thank you very much to everyone who comments! You are what makes the community on this blog great. Keep those comments coming!

Commentition Organic October 2016

It’s getting cooler now, as winter is fast approaching. And the carbon-based commenters of this blog continue to comment, despite the changing seasons, on both sides of the equator. Since the last time we did Commentition, I started a new job, became busier, and have resolved to improve the quality of the blog posts on the blog. I hope that will draw new commenters and intensify the competition for the commenter crown. So, how did things shape up this month? Let’s find out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  435 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. In the top position, we have someone different than last month. Moving up to first is Miriam with 68 comments! Her latest post features a lot of photos and water. Check out Weekly Photo Challenge: H20 -Snobs Waterfall.

2. Coming up in second is our former illustrious leader, stomperdad, with 67 comments! His latest post is a great post about his sons, My Reading Buddies. Definitely check it out!

3. In third place, we have someone who hasn’t budged from this position. With 56 comments, it’s Gradmama2011! Her latest post is a reblog, but she adds her own thoughts. Take a look at THIS UNREST IN ITS WIDER FRAMEWORK (Re-Blog from Jnana’s Red Barn).

4. Moving up from sixth, the fourth place spot is taken up by my sister, leeannarcher! She had 43 comments. Check out her postless blog!

5. In fifth place, with identical numbers and ranking, at 40 comments, it’s Thomas Weaver! His latest post is another one about editing, grammar, and writing mistakes: Writing Glitch #179.

6. Coming in sixth place, down from fourth, it’s The Shameful Narcissist with 36 comments! Her latest post is a Halloween themed questionnaire! Check out Halloween Fun Time.

It turns out our top six is still the same people as the last few times. If your name isn’t up there, this is your chance to compete! I love seeing comments on this blog, as they help contribute to the community. And this is a great community!

Of course, I have to thank everyone for reading and commenting! Without you, this wouldn’t be nearly as fun as it is. Keep commenting!

Commentition Spontaneous September 2016

Summer is winding down, which means people are returning to their homes, returning to school, and sitting themselves in front of computers more often. That results in people reading more blog posts and commenting more! At least that’s the theory. But how has the last month’s commenting changed things? Is anything different? Do we have a new leader? Do we have a new person in the ranks? Let’s find out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  455 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. Yet again, we have our illustrious commenting leader, stomperdad, with 78 comments! How does he do it? His most recent post is a regular weekly series of his, but he talks about 9/11. Yesterday was September 11th. Take a look at his latest, Sunday Share.

2. In second place, it’s someone who hasn’t moved at all. She’s still up in second place. From down under, it’s Miriam with 66 comments! Her latest post is a very positive one and, coincidentally, contains the word spontaneity! Check out Smiles, Sparks and Spontaneity!

3. Coming up next is someone who is surging back up the rankings. With 54 comments, it’s Gradmama2011! In her latest post, she talks about her memories of the end of World War II. Very good read. Check out childhood memories of war.

4. In fourth place, it’s another person who’s moved up a bit. From fifth place last month, it’s The Shameful Narcissist! She had 41 comments. Her latest post is a tag! Lots of interesting answers to read. Take a look at The Goodreads Book Tag.

5. Next up, and still in the top six, but falling from third, we have Thomas Weaver! He had 40 comments. In his latest post, he goes through some more editing fun. Check out Writing Glitch #144!

6. And in the final position of the top six, we have another person who’s stayed in the top group. With 35 comments, it’s my sister, leeannarcher! And again, here is her blank blog.

This month, the posts have been pretty interesting! I think you should check them all out. Also, the top six haven’t changed, just in different positions. Will someone rise up in the ranks and take a spot away from one of them? There are 30 days until the next Commentition!

Of course, none of this would be possible without you, my readers and commenters. Thank you everyone for all the comments! I love this little community on my blog.

Authors Answer Contributors’ YouTube Channels

Right now, we have eleven Authors Answer contributors (plus more in September!), and four of us have YouTube channels.  Of course, I’m one of them. I made a video about the 2,000th blog post and I introduced my viewers to some Authors Answer contributors’ channels. Here it is:

In case you’re wondering whose channels I mentioned, and you didn’t watch the above video, here they are:

But before I forget, since this is all about Authors Answer, I also posted a video on Question 8! However, there are some big differences. That one was about New Year’s resolutions. But it’s August now! I changed the question. Now it’s this:

What are your plans for the rest of 2016 in terms of writing?

I answered it in this video:

This post was a bit all over the place, but it’s all about Authors Answer. Any comments are very welcome!

Commentition Auspicious August 2016

It’s that time of the month again! And during this lazy summer, comments have been down, but we have an active group that stays with us all summer. I expect things to pick up next month when people are no longer on vacation and the weather gets cooler. So, who has stayed in the top group this month? Is there anyone new? Let’s find out!

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  466 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. Continuing his streak of being the top commenter, with 83 comments, it’s stomperdad! His latest post is a fun one, where his sons ask him some questions. Check out Go Ask Your Father: Splash Pad, Bedtime, Cicadas, and Outriggers.

2. In second place, we have another person maintaining their position. With 74 comments, it’s Miriam! Her latest post is called Another Angel in Heaven. Please go on over to her blog and show your support. I’m sorry to hear about your loss, Miriam.

3. In third place, climbing all the way up from sixth, it’s Thomas Weaver with 41 comments! In his latest post (which was put up just seconds before I started writing this part of this post!), he complains about some of his fellow editors. Take a look at Sometimes, he just can’t wrap his mind around “corrections” made to a manuscript.

4. In fourth place, we have the non-blogging, but should be blogging sister of mine, leeannarcher with 39 comments! Her postless blog is right here.

5. Coming in next at fifth place is someone who hasn’t changed spots. That’s The Shameful Narcissist with 34 comments! In her latest post, she did a book review of a book she didn’t finish. Check out The Girl With All the Gifts (Unfinished).

6. And finally, coming in sixth place, we have another regular who’s been in the top six for quite some time now. That’s Gradmama2011 with 33 comments! Her latest post shows some beautiful roses, which are the Beetle Survivors.

So, the top six are completely unchanged, other than some reshuffling of rankings. As always, thank you to all my readers and commenters! You all make it worth it. I enjoy the interactions I have with you always. Let’s see how the next month goes as summer begins to wind down. Keep commenting!

Commentition Juicy July 2016

July means summer. Summer means hot weather. Hot weather means drinking. Juice is a drink. And summer also comes with lower activity on the blog. Not by me, but by people reading. You see, people are going out and doing other things during summer, so I’ve seen a lower amount of views and comments over the past month. But the regulars are still around! Let’s find out who made the list this month.

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  469 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. For the second month in a row, our top commenter is stomperdad with 75 comments! His latest post is the kind of post I love reading. I need to find his previous ones. Go on over and read his latest Month in Review.

2. Coming in second place, we have a blogger who moved up in the rankings! It’s Miriam with 62 comments. There’s a little crumbling going on at her house, so she posted about A mundane hole on Monday.

3. In third place is the non-blogging sister of mine, leeannarcher! She had 48 comments. You can check out her postless blog right here!

4. Moving along to fourth place, we have someone who hasn’t moved at all in the standings. Gradmama2011 has maintained her position with 41 comments! In her latest post, she shows of her poetic skills with the intriguingly titled poem, Surfing a Sine Wave, aka Biorhythm.

5. And in fifth place, we have another blogger who has maintained the same position in the standings. With 30 comments, it’s The Shameful Narcissist! In her most recent post, she reblogged a review she wrote for another website, and it’s about a book I recently bought and really need to read! Check out The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicles 1)!

6. And coming in sixth place, we have someone returning to the ranks. It’s Thomas Weaver with 29 comments! As an editor, he knows the rules of writing. He’s amassed a large number of posts related to that. And his most recent post is no different. Take a look at Writing Glitch #109!

Thank you to everyone who has commented in the past month! You are what makes blogging fun. I enjoy reading all the new comments on my posts. Summer may be slow in the blogging world, but I can always rely on the steady regulars. So, who will be in the top six next month? Keep commenting!