The Champions for Science Education

With the state of science education and anti-science sentiment today, there are some champions who are fighting against the evils of climate change denial, anti-vaccination groups, contrail conspiracy theorists, and advocates of creation being taught in science. These heroes I would like to call The Champions for Science Education. I’d like to introduce you to these amazing people.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tyson_-_Apollo_40th_anniversary_2009This American astrophysicist has been a strong advocate for science for quite some time. He’s amazing. He is my hero. He would be the leader of the group. He has incredible super science teaching abilities, and has a devastating anti-science annihilation technique. Recently, he shot down a flat-earther, who just happens to be a rapper by the name of B.o.B. He currently has a podcast called Star Talk, and was the host of the revival of Cosmos, originally hosted by Carl Sagan.

Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Bill Nye

Also known as Bill Nye the Science Guy, this educator, scientist, engineer, TV host, and actor is another champion of science education. He’s willing to go the distance to fight against the evil anti-science villains, such as Ken Ham, who he debated at the Creation Museum. He became famous while hosting Bill Nye the Science Guy, and is now the Executive Director of the Planetary Society, which counts Carl Sagan as a co-founder. He’s even taken an astronomy class taught by Sagan. He’s a fighter for awareness of climate change and space science, among others. He’s a real warrior for the cause of science education.

Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Phil Plait

Known as the Bad Astronomer, he’s actually not a bad astronomer. He fights against bad astronomy. He’s one amazing warrior, battling against the evils of climate change denial, anti-vaccination, and anything anti-science in general. He takes on pseudoscience, and has tackled many conspiracy theories related to astronomy, and especially the moon landing hoax. He’s written Bad Astronomy and Death from the Skies, and even worked on the Hubble Space Telescope. He was President of JREF, an organisation dedicated to educating the public on finding the truth, rather than accepting everything they’re told. He is a great addition to the group.

Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

David Suzuki

Dr. David Suzuki is a retired university professor, TV host, and environmentalist who is well-known for his TV show The Nature of Things. He’s a biologist who worked in the genetics department of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. And he is now battling the evils of the enemies of Mother Nature. Fighting climate change is his passion, and he’s always teaching people about the dangers of what could happen if we don’t stop this destructive change. He’s probably the most famous scientist in Canada, and his reputation helps him promote science education.

Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Yvette d’Entremont

Also known as SciBabe, she’s a science blogger, chemist, and public speaker. She’s also dedicated her life to battle the evils of anti-science. She takes on pretty much anything, always working to educate the public on science myths. She’s a master at debunking poor science. Her biggest arch-nemesis is the Vani Hari, also known as Food Babe. She wants everyone to know how dangerous Food Babe’s advice can be. She is a true warrior for the advancement of science.

Follow her on Facebook.

Is there anyone else who should be a member of The Champions for Education Science? Let me know in the comments below.

Originally, I was going to call this the Justice League of Science, but I don’t want to get into any trouble from DC Comics or Warner Bros.

Private Bath at a Hot Spring Resort

For a short time this morning, we had access to a private bath for families. It seemed hotter than the others. This is what it was like.

The main room.


The room to wash yourself before going in to the bath. The large bath we went to yesterday had a much larger area to wash.


And finally, the bath itself. It’s on the fourth floor, so we had a good view of the ocean.


Have you ever experienced hot springs? Let me know in the comments below.