From East to West: 41 Days – Favourite Restaurants

Here’s the next video. Two in twelve hours! This time, we went to a local restaurant that happens to be in the Michelin Guide. The food is great. Enjoy.

If you’re interested in trying out this restaurant, here is their website, which includes a map. They’re only open from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Monday.


Look good? What do you think?

From East to West – A New Vlog Series

As I mentioned in my previous post (go read it! I’ll wait), I had a video to edit and upload to YouTube. Well, here it is, and my official announcement of a new vlog series.

The series is called From East to West: A Move to Canada, and it’ll consist of brief videos of me talking about our moving and immigration process. The first video introduces the series, and I also talk about what I’d been doing that day. I hope to have three or four videos per week, and I will post them here so you can watch them.

So, enjoy the video.

In case you’re wondering, A Taste of Japan will continue. I need to work on those videos. They take a long time to edit, since they’re several minutes long and consist of between ten and thirty shorter videos edited together. They will come!

And while you’re at it, please subscribe to my channel. Any comments or questions? Please leave them in the comments below. If you have any questions you’d like to ask me about the immigration process, I’ll try get to them in a video. Thanks!

Sleepy Middle-of-the-Night Rambling

Interesting night it’s been so far. I really have no topic for this post, since I’m dead tired and have had nothing but trouble for a couple hours. It’s 2 in the morning and I just finished eating my dinner. Luckily, it’s my day off tomorrow.

As usual, I got home, and I needed to put my daughter to bed. She has this ritual where she takes three stuffed animals/dolls to bed with her and has a book read to her before she sleeps. She needs to cuddle with me. Normally, there’s no trouble getting her to sleep. But tonight, she had other plans. For about two hours, she kept trying to kick the blankets off of her, while I kept putting them back on. It’s not hot in here. It’s actually quite cold. You can thank Japanese insulation for that. The blankets are very important. But she would have none of them. I wrestled with her for two hours, trying to get her to stay asleep and stop uncovering and freezing herself. I didn’t get to eat dinner until 1 am.

This has also delayed my planned upload of a video, which is the beginning of a vlog about our move to Canada. I recorded it while I was on my way to work, but I need to edit and upload it first. And I had also planned to write a book review tonight! But I’m so tired, I think it’ll have to wait. I’ll do it sometime tomorrow.

While I ate, I watched a video on YouTube made by some guy in Edmonton who records himself driving to catch bad drivers (and presumably for insurance purposes). He drives a truck. It seems almost every Edmonton dashcammer I’ve watched on YouTube is driving a truck. Ugh. And I realised I could easily tell if he was from the city or country. He was definitely from the country, because he had that Canadian countryside twang that’s somewhat of a mix between midwestern US, Texan, and Atlantic Canada accents. People who were raised in the city or a town near a major city don’t have that accent. They have a more standard North American average TV news accent, if that makes any sense. But while watching the video, I also realised how much space there is in Edmonton. Everything is so wide, buildings are incredibly low and rather unattractive/utilitarian. I mean commercial buildings. The buildings in Japan aren’t any better, but at least there aren’t huge parking lots everywhere. Oh well, it’s easier to drive there, I think. I look forward to that. From what I remember, drivers in Canada tend to be a bit more lawful. There are red light runners all the time in Japan.

And I saw this post by S. R. Carrillo. Welcome her back to blogging. She needs to get her spot back in Commentition. I also noticed that Tracey Lynn Tobin has rebooted her YouTube channel, now called Tracey’s Basement. Here’s a post with one of her first reboot videos. I think I’m going to spend some time reading and leaving comments on her blog tonight.

At work, a student told me that when I talk about sushi, I look very happy. Do I really love sushi so much that it affects how I talk? Wow. Now I feel self-conscious about it.

And finally, my daughter’s been saying weird things. A couple nights ago, she was drawing a picture, and she started making kissing sounds. She said, “Kiss party! Kiss party!” and made more kissing sounds. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Well, that’s it for tonight. How was your day? Anything exciting?