The Puppies Are at It Again

I have very little to say about the Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies other than this: They are immature, sad people who have nothing better to do than sabotage a prestigious science fiction and fantasy award. I’m talking about the Hugo Awards. What happened? They got a short story named Space Raptor Butt Invasion by Chuck Tingle nominated. Congratulations, Puppies and Vox Day, you’ve trolled the Hugos yet again, and I find it rather irritating.

The big problem I have with the Puppies is that they are against diversity. And the comment Day made about N. K. Jemisin was rather insulting. Check out the entire article here.

I watched the awards ceremony last year. Many of the awards were not given out because people voted “no award.” It was a rather sad award ceremony. I can only predict a similar outcome this year.

What do you think about this whole situation with the Hugo Award and the Puppies? Let me know in the comments.

8 thoughts on “The Puppies Are at It Again”

    1. They’re nominated by members of the World Science Fiction Convention, and then voted on by the same members. Unfortunately, there’s a group of white men who have hijacked the system because they’re annoyed that there are women and non-white people writing science fiction and fantasy. They don’t want diversity.

      1. Nice straw*man* there, the fact that Sad Puppies this year was run by 3 women must have somehow eluded your obviously extensive research on the subject

    1. I’m inclined to agree. Although the Sad Puppies may have some valid complaints, I don’t agree with them, nor do I agree with their tactics. The Rabid Puppies are worse, thanks to Mr. Day.

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