Week in Review – May 29, 2016

Another week down, more stuff happened. Of course stuff happened, but not everything I hoped to happen happened. But let’s see what actually did happen!


I’m at 41% at Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds still. I set a new reading order for the new books I received last week, though.


Turns out I didn’t get any writing done. Caught a cold, and haven’t felt up to it. I’m getting over it, though. I’m going to work on the office tomorrow morning and then I can start writing.


A week after starting up Patreon, it’s still at $0. But then, I haven’t had any writing done, which is something that should help. Of course, if you are interested in supporting me, then please head on over to my Patreon page!


I finally got back into studying again. I did a bit of Esperanto this week.


My wife’s English lessons have started. We also started exercising at the local recreation centre. This week, the pools should open.


I got a new video out, and it’s a look at the state of my office. As I said above, I’m going to start working on it tomorrow.

The Blog

I’ve been talking more about writing and books in the past week. I’ve also been focusing a lot on social media, especially Twitter. I’ve seen an increase in the following rate in the past week, which is nice to see.


I actually signed up for a couple free courses on FutureLearn, one about the British Empire, the other about Japanese philosophy. Sound interesting?

The Next Week’s Goals

Go swimming. At least twice. And I intend on getting my daughter swimming, too. I also plan on writing and getting the next three parts of Journey to Ariadne up for critiques, so I can edit them. I will also be working on the outline of Knights of Ariadne, my first novel. Hoping for a good chance to edit a new video, one that should’ve been made two months ago.

How was your week.

You’re Probably Using Too Much Space After a Period

periodspacingI’ve been doing it wrong. Actually, I know I’ve been doing it wrong for a long time. You see the space after the period in these sentences? Double spaced. It used to be pretty standard. It was used to make sentences appear more separated. I was taught to do it that way.

You see, I was taught to type on a typewriter. When I started typing in school, we didn’t use computers with word processors. We used electric typewriters. And since their wasn’t variable spacing for the letters, and we only had one font, we used a double space after the periods. I got used to doing that.

These days, word processing software has made this obsolete. In fact, using a single space has been standard for many years. There was no need for me to learn to use a double space. But over the years, I was using a double space because that’s what I was taught and I was used to. Out of habit, I’d been using double spaces while knowing it was wrong.

Now, I’m typing with single spaces after the period. What about you? Do you use single or double spaces?