Welcome, World! Stay a While

Every so often, I like to ask my readers some questions to get to know them better.  Well, it’s time to do that again, but with a twist.  Please read the following instructions carefully, then you can do as you wish.

First, please leave a comment answering these two simple questions.

  1. Which country do you live in?
  2. What kind of books do you like to read?

Second, please leave the address of your blog so other readers can find out about new blogs.  I’d like this post to be a place where you can discover new people and blogs.  Just one thing: Make sure that the blogs are safe for work.

Finally, share!  Share this post with as many people as you can.  Share through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, email, anything.  Encourage others to leave a comment on this post, and to find new blogs to read.  I love having a great online community, and want to share many things with you.  Sharing other blogs is a great way to give back to the community.  I’d like to see how far this can go.  How many countries will we see?

So, I will go first.  That’s right, I’ll leave a reply with my answers.  Now, it’s your turn.

28 thoughts on “Welcome, World! Stay a While”

  1. So, as promised, here are my answers:
    1. I live in Japan, but I’m from Canada.
    2. I read mainly fantasy, science fiction, and I also like classics.

    My blog is this one! https://ireadencyclopedias.wordpress.com
    I also run a few other blogs: Jay Dee in Japan – http://jaydeejapan.wordpress.com
    Foreign Dad in Japan – http://foreigndadinjapan.wordpress.com
    Mainichi Dokodemo Photography – http://dokodemophoto.wordpress.com

    And sharing has been done, as I always do 🙂

  2. I live in Western USA.
    I read mostly literature (poetic prose preferable), but I’m trying to incorporate more fantasy stories because that’s the genre I would like to write a novel in. I spent five years writing a sci-fi/fantasy fanfic. I guess that’s why I want to write a fantasy novel? All of my short stories are literature though XD I tend to read and write angst. I was going to write that PTSD one with a cat, and I’m still going to, just need to research PTSD thoroughly. I’m also reading lots of short stories from literary magazines ^^ It’s fun because you get exposed to so many different styles that way.

  3. 1) I live in an Asian country which I don’t wish to disclose at the moment, but I’m moving back to the USA in August.

    2a) I enjoy science fiction; I’ll read any type of sci-fi other than romantic. I particularly enjoy short stories, space opera, and military sci-fi. I blog about sci-fi at http://planetarydefensecommand.wordpress.com/

    2b) I also read a lot of non-fiction, especially history. I have a second blog for those books (which I’ve been neglecting lately) at http://sevencitiesofpaper.wordpress.com/

    2c) I’ve enjoyed other types of books that don’t fit into the above categories. I read all 21 of Patrick O’Brian’s “Master and Commander” historical fiction novels, and although I’m not really a mystery reader, I sometimes read mysteries set in other countries which focus on the foreign settings and characters. Examples would be Tarquin Hall’s Vish Puri stories, and Alexander McCall Smith’s No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency stories.

    I have a photo blog as well (again, I’ve been neglecting that one) at http://alienrover.wordpress.com/

  4. I lay around in my little house down in the swamps of South Carolina and read just about anything I can wrap my failing eyes around (high praise for the iPad).

    My website, A Celebration of Reading, gives me an opportunity to pusillanimously rant about the injustices of the world from the relative safety of my white, middle-class retirement home … and also to encourage everyone to read, read, read, by exposing my 50-60 years of reading (and the projected titles for my next 50-60 years starting today).

    My favorite reading is surfiction with an emphasis on bodily fluids and my favorite novel (there are others?) is Ulysses.

    ACOR is at http://mdparker46.com on WordPress.

      1. I have a 35 year old daughter teaching Film Theory at a state university and she’s no different … they’re always your little girls.

        By the way, I read much more when I worked full time than I do now: probably a combination of not being rushed since I’m retired and those afternoon naps.

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