Reconnect With Reality: Look Around

Living in Japan, I see so many people looking down at their cell phones. In the train, in the park, in the restaurant, even while walking. Their world has been reduced to a glowing LCD screen in their hands. They aren’t living in reality.

What people need to do, especially while walking, is to look around. Reconnect with their environment. Writers can definitely benefit from this. They need to observe and take mental notes about places and things they see.

Something I like doing is going for a walk by myself to just look around. Sometimes take pictures. It clears my mind, and I often get ideas from what I see. Sometimes I don’t think about that at all, just enjoy the atmosphere and scenery. This picture is what I took while starting to write this post.


It’s a train station in Machida, Tokyo. I go through it every week. But I often go on autopilot and don’t notice everything. I like to snap myself out of that.

Are you one of those people with their eyes glued to a cell phone screen? Or do you observe your surroundings?

Discussion: Like a Little Romance in Your Books?

I’m not talking about romance novels. I’m talking about whatever genres you like to read, sci-fi, historical fiction, fantasy, and so on. Do you like to have some aspect of romance in the books you read? Or does it depend? What’s a memorable romance in a non-romance novel you’ve read?

Honestly, I thought Hermione should’ve been with Harry, but maybe that was too obvious.