The Doctor Who Theme

I don’t know why, but I keep watching this video.

Okay, maybe I know why. Nostalgia. In the late 80s and early 90s, I watched Doctor Who on PBS Saturday nights. I started off with the Tom Baker episodes that featured Adric and K-9. It was low budget, but fun. I liked the Fourth Doctor. And then came Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor. I liked him, too.

But the theme song. It’s unusual. And it’s interesting to see how it changed over the years.

If you watch (or watched) Doctor Who, what did you think of the theme? Let me know in the comments below.

10 thoughts on “The Doctor Who Theme”

  1. The Dr Who theme in its various incarnations is one of the more iconic tv themes I can think of. I grew up on a diet of Dr Who from way back. The original theme was realised by Delia Derbyshire from Ron Grainer’s score using tape, scissors and analog circuitry and as far as I am aware was one of the first pieces of electronic music to become really popular.

    1. Whenever I watch the original, I find it incredible that they made this kind of music back in the early 1960s. It’s kind of haunting, but I love listening to it. Still prefer the Tom Baker-Peter Davison-Colin Baker starfield opening, though. But that was the first one I saw when I started watching Doctor Who.

    1. It’s interesting. I like it. I haven’t actually watched the second series (2005 and after) except for two episodes, and they were both Christmas specials. I saw them here in Canada when I was on holiday. The old series hooked me.

  2. I’m really amazed by the original 1960s theme as an innovative piece of electronic music. The tune is certainly iconic.

  3. I love the theme…I’ve got David Tennant’s version as my ringtone. XD Of all the different ones they did over the year, I think I like Matt Smith’s (with the lightning) the best, although the 12th Doctor’s theme (which wasn’t in this video) is pretty awesome too. šŸ™‚

  4. The Dr. Who Theme is, by itself, a wonderful piece of music. Add to that the nostalgia of all its incarnations, and how it’s shifted and changed through the years while somehow staying true to itself.. ahhhh, the symbolism. They’re all good in their own way, but I still get goosebumps when I hear the Tom Baker version, I’ll confess.

    1. Another Tom Baker version fan. Best one, in my opinion. But then, it was the first one I heard.

      I find the evolution of the theme interesting.

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