Well-known Authors Who Blog

All this talk about whether authors should blog had me thinking, what famous authors actually maintain a blog? There are a few that I follow.

First is John Scalzi’s Whatever. He’s a science fiction author that seems to be quite active with readers.

Second is N. K. Jemisin’s Epiphany 2.0. She’s a fantasy author, and she also responds to comments.

Third is Hugh Howey’s The Wayfinder. He’s also a science fiction author, and probably the best-known for starting out self-publishing, getting a big book deal while still retaining digital rights. However, he doesn’t seem to respond to comments. He reads them, as he left an addendum on his most recent post responding to comments in general.

And I have to mention Michael J. Sullivan’s website, because he has contributed to this blog in the past, and he is wonderful at responding to his fans and comments.

How about you? Do you know any other more well-known authors who blog? Share the links in the comments below!

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