Newsletter Is Coming Soon

I’ve signed up with MailChimp and will be trying to figure out how to set up a mailing list. It doesn’t seem very intuitive at first glance, but I haven’t explored it much yet.

I’m still deciding on the content for the newsletter, and I’m thinking weekly or biweekly will be best.

This is a little survey for you. If you’re interested in the newsletter, what content would you like to see? Please leave your answers in the comments.

Write Better by Reading

This is not a revelation, as this is a very well-known fact.  If you write, you most likely read.  And while reading, you are subconsciously taking in new techniques and vocabulary.  I think this is extremely important.

I’m currently reading Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson, and I’ve noticed how his writing draws me in to the world so easily.  I feel like I’m there.  Without concentrating on how he writes, I just let the voice continue in my mind while I started narrating a scene of my own.  I tried using the same style of narration, particularly the action and the descriptions of facial expressions, and found I came out with a more authentic and captivating scene.   It worked.

I wasn’t stuck in the Malazan world when thinking of my own story, but the same general richness transferred over to my own thoughts.

How much do you think reading helps your writing?