I Don’t Want to Go to School!

My daughter was more difficult to get to sleep tonight than usual. She often talks and plays with the toys she wants to sleep with, but usually goes to sleep within about thirty minutes. Tonight, it took her one and a half hours to go to sleep. You see, she wanted to talk about school.

It started off with her asking if we will go to school with her. She was hoping we’d stay in the class with her. However, I explained to her that we can take her to school and pick her up, but we can’t stay in the school with her. She’ll be with the teacher and her new friends. But she started to cry and told us she didn’t want to be with the teacher. She didn’t want to be with friends. She didn’t want to play with the toys at school.  She wanted to play with me and my wife and her toys.

It’s still a month until school starts, and she’s usually happy about going to school. However, she occasionally says she doesn’t want to go to school. But hopefully, she’ll enjoy going to school. She’ll probably cry, and she said she’d cry, but that’s pretty common. I’ve taught kids around the same age who cried.

One more month. Better make the best of that month with her.

7 thoughts on “I Don’t Want to Go to School!”

  1. You’re right, separation anxiety is pretty common. I have a hunch she’ll be just fine onve she’s in class. Enjoy the rest of your summer with her

    1. Oh, she’ll be fine. She was fine in her nursery. This’ll be very similar. She’s changed her mind already, though. She says she’ll be a big girl and go to school alone.

      1. Good to hear she’s changed her mind. That was my son last year… he wanted to take himself to kindergarten. He wouldn’t let me go up the stairs to his classroom because he wanted to get ready all by himself. He’s been excited for primary since last April! Good luck! 😀

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