Hogwarts and Ilvermorny House Sorting

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is coming out soon, and so you can now find out which house at Ilvermorny you can join. Ilvermorny is the North American school for witches and wizards. I decided to give it a try, but not before sorting myself into a house in Hogwarts. I’d actually sorted myself in the older version of the website, so my account was no longer there. I sorted myself again, and here is the result.

I was surprised! I couldn’t believe it! My house changed from the last time. I was kind of disappointed.

So, after that, I found out what my Ilvermorny house was.

The result was very surprising, although I didn’t know what the houses were before. I’m satisfied.

Have you found out which houses you’re a member of? Go to Pottermore and find out! Then let me know in the comments below.

Commentition Juicy July 2016

July means summer. Summer means hot weather. Hot weather means drinking. Juice is a drink. And summer also comes with lower activity on the blog. Not by me, but by people reading. You see, people are going out and doing other things during summer, so I’ve seen a lower amount of views and comments over the past month. But the regulars are still around! Let’s find out who made the list this month.

The top six commenters are based on the previous 1000 comments, nearly half of which are mine.  The rest go to all of you commenters.  469 were my comments, the rest went to others.  So here are the top six:

1. For the second month in a row, our top commenter is stomperdad with 75 comments! His latest post is the kind of post I love reading. I need to find his previous ones. Go on over and read his latest Month in Review.

2. Coming in second place, we have a blogger who moved up in the rankings! It’s Miriam with 62 comments. There’s a little crumbling going on at her house, so she posted about A mundane hole on Monday.

3. In third place is the non-blogging sister of mine, leeannarcher! She had 48 comments. You can check out her postless blog right here!

4. Moving along to fourth place, we have someone who hasn’t moved at all in the standings. Gradmama2011 has maintained her position with 41 comments! In her latest post, she shows of her poetic skills with the intriguingly titled poem, Surfing a Sine Wave, aka Biorhythm.

5. And in fifth place, we have another blogger who has maintained the same position in the standings. With 30 comments, it’s The Shameful Narcissist! In her most recent post, she reblogged a review she wrote for another website, and it’s about a book I recently bought and really need to read! Check out The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicles 1)!

6. And coming in sixth place, we have someone returning to the ranks. It’s Thomas Weaver with 29 comments! As an editor, he knows the rules of writing. He’s amassed a large number of posts related to that. And his most recent post is no different. Take a look at Writing Glitch #109!

Thank you to everyone who has commented in the past month! You are what makes blogging fun. I enjoy reading all the new comments on my posts. Summer may be slow in the blogging world, but I can always rely on the steady regulars. So, who will be in the top six next month? Keep commenting!