It’s Done – Windows 10

I’m taking you on a brief journey. 

It began innocently. 

But it sat at 0% for the longest time. 

It progressed, though. 

I turned off the new default features. But so far, it works! No issues at all. Occasionally it tells me it’s updating something, but that’s quick. I explored a bit. I saw an app in the Start Menu. Minecraft??? Probably not installed. And it’s a beta version. Wonder if I should try it. And then waste my time!

My only annoyance is that I can’t change the colour of the title bar of windows. Oh well. 

Posted from my iPhone SE. 

The Star Trek Project

I’ve been planning on watching Star Trek and reviewing every episode on this blog. Well, it’s going to happen! Netflix Canada now has every Star Trek TV episode available, and I plan to watch them all. But how am I doing to do it?

The Order

I’m going to watch the episodes in order of broadcast. That means I’ll start off with Star Trek, then move on to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine began in the later seasons of TNG, so I’ll be alternating between the two at that time. Same with when Star Trek: Voyager begins. And finally, I’ll do Star Trek: Enterprise. But what about the movies? Well, I’ll do them as well! And I’ll try doing Star Trek: Discovery when it’s on Space here in Canada.

The Reviews

These aren’t going to be full reviews like I do with books. They’re going to be my impression of the episodes, as well as discussing who the enemy is, which planet(s) they went to, and any special guest actors that appeared. I have seen every Star Trek episode, so this will be a lot about nostalgia. I will also be doing a star rating, and out of the five star episodes, I’ll make a ranking for my favourites at the end of each series. However, I will also do a ranking of my least favourites.

Other Series?

I’d like to do the same kind of thing with Doctor Who. That’s the other show I’m a big fan of, though I haven’t watched any of the newer episodes. I’ve only see the old series! Other series I’ll do a general overview of the seasons, rather than an episode-by-episode review. I’m not that dedicated to TV! Though I may do Shannara Chronicles and Game of Thrones like this.

Video Reviews?

While I do reviews on this blog, I may also do reviews on my YouTube channel! But I think I’ll do only a weekly update here, showing you the videos in a single blog post.

So, who’s excited for this? Ready to live Star Trek with me?