How to Resume Writing After a Hiatus

One of these days, I’m going to get back to writing. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t have any privacy to be able to do any serious writing at the moment. But, I will. To prepare, I need to do a few things.

Have a place

When the room in the basement is ready for me to put my computer on the desk and a chair to sit on, I’ll be there! Once it’s all ready, I can start writing.

Re-read what I’ve written

I need to get myself back into my world. I have to completely reacquaint myself with the story. Actually, I don’t need to do that, since I know it by heart. However, by reading, I get my mind back into it, and I can rediscover the feeling.

Prepare my maps

I have a lot of maps. By going over the maps, I can explore my world again and live there in my mind. There’s still a lot to develop.

Notes, notes, notes

I need to review my notes and write more notes. I need to write notes on all the characters, all the places, all the story lines, everything.

Update my author website

I need to add some content to my author website. In particular, I want to get the Ariadne Encyclopedia started. It’ll be my online reference guide for the world. I plan to have character profiles, country profiles, and star system information available.

Write and edit

I actually have several parts written but not up on the website yet. However, I need to get them critiqued and edit them. I also need to write my novel, not just Journey to Ariadne.

Keep everyone updated

I want to keep my readers updated in several ways. One is, through this blog. Another is on YouTube. Another is through my Facebook page. And the other big one is Twitter. Eventually, once I have a Goodreads author page, I’ll be updating that, too.

There’s a lot to do, but I’ll get it done. If you write, what do you do to prepare? Let me know in the comments below.

#BlackLivesMatter and Booktube

In the Booktube community on YouTube, there was a question asked by a Booktuber, LuLo Fangirl, about why Booktubers don’t talk about #BlackLivesMatter. Why is everyone silent about it? They talk about drama that goes on in the community, but don’t talk about this big issue. I decided to respond, though I don’t think I could eloquently explain what I really wanted to say. But this is what I said.

I linked the situation with books. I think that books bring up issues like this, and it’s worth reading them. What I wanted to say but didn’t want to take up so much time is that I thought education, or rather a lack of good education, was a root cause of this problem. There are so many areas in the US where black people are marginalised, and some education could help. I mean educating everyone.

What do you think about this topic? Let me know in the comments below.