Canada Day Fireworks!

For the first time in quite a long time, I actually got to see fireworks up close. Yesterday was Canada Day, and my family went to the Canada Day festivities. During the afternoon, we enjoyed some rides, but the highlight was at 11 pm: fireworks!

I took some video of the day, including more than two minutes of fireworks. Enjoy!

If you’re Canadian, what did you do on Canada Day? If you’re American, what will you do on Independence Day? Let me know in the comments below.

Reading Strategy for July

After months of failure to read books, I need to make an effort to read every day in July. I need to finish some books!

When I lived in Japan, my reading time was also limited, but I made sure I read during my commute to and from work. I could easily sit down in the train and read for a few minutes. But I don’t get around by train now, and if I go by bus, the rides are usually too short to really concentrate on a book. If I go by car, I can’t read at all. So, I need to figure out how to read at home with so many people around.

I need to think of a strategy for reading. Here are my ideas:

  • Read in the bathroom. I can lock the door.
  • Read after everyone’s gone to bed. Best place for this is in the kitchen at the moment. Once the living room is finished and the den is tidied up, I can read in either room.
  • Read in my future office. Well, there is room on the floor to sit down at the moment… but not so comfortable. I need to wait for that to be fixed and cleaned up.
  • Go to the park. That’s fine for warm days, but I can’t do it on stormy days or winter. And I should stay away from ponds. Too many mosquitoes!
  • Read in the back yard. But there’s nothing to sit on.
  • Go to the library. Fifteen minutes of walking and I can read in the library. That’s right, bring my own book to the library.

I need to get some reading done! Any other suggestions? Let me know in the comments below.