A Month on Booktube!

Well, my big experiment is going pretty well. I think I’m getting better at speaking in front of a camera. I’ve found it surprisingly easy to make and edit a video within half an hour or so. Sometimes, the biggest wait is just the video compiling on my computer.

I made a video about my first month on Booktube. It’s been an adventure, one that I see going on for a long time. So, check out my reflection on my first month on Booktube!

Some things I hope to improve are my editing, thumbnails, and adding end cards when the new end card annotation feature is public. I can’t wait to use that!

Anyway, let me know what you thought of the video. Thanks!

Language Test Drives

Several months ago, I did a few language test drives for languages that are available on Duolingo. Since then, there have been several new languages, though three of them use different alphabets. I’m thinking about doing some more language test drives, but I want your opinion.

It’s not easy to choose a language, especially when they’re significantly different than English. So, please vote for which language you’d like to see me attempt first.

Ukrainian and Russian use the Cyrillic alphabet, while Hebrew uses the Hebrew alphabet. Surprisingly Vietnamese uses the Roman alphabet, as does Hungarian.

Let me know which one you voted for a why in the comments below. Thanks!