The Best Classic Authors Ever

I have an interest in reading some classic authors. I’ve read Shakespeare, Homer, and a limited amount of 19th century literature, but I’d like to read more.

I tried the 99 Classic Books Challenge on List Challenges, and my score was dismal. I’ve only read six of the books. Isn’t that pathetic? There are a couple more in that list that I own, but haven’t read yet.

I need suggestions. I have some questions for you to answer, so please leave them in the comments below.

  1. Which classic author and book do you recommend from the 20th century?
  2. Which classic author and book do you recommend from the 19th century?
  3. How about the 18th century?
  4. 17th century?
  5. 11th to 16th century?
  6. 1st to 10th century?
  7. 1st century BCE and beyond?

If you don’t have an answer for some of these, don’t worry. Leave it blank. I’m looking forward to your answers. Thanks!

Terry Brooks a Copy? – Authors Answer #2

Looks like my video version of Authors Answer will be posted every Saturday. I have a schedule! Well, if you remember the original question, you don’t have to go to the original post, but if you don’t remember, take a look. Find out all of our answers. Basically, it’s all about guilty pleasures. Is there an author that’s often criticised, but you still love to read?

Watch my answer, and enjoy the bloopers.

Have you ever read any of Terry Brooks’ books? Which author is your guilty pleasure? Let me know in the comments below!