I Am a Writer

I decided to talk a bit about my writing on YouTube. Watch the video below.

There are a couple places I mentioned that you can read my writing. Here they are:

Journey to Ariadne is available on my official website.

Ariadne stories from A to Z is available here.

Expect more in the future. I’d like to work on some editing, then I can get more parts of Journey to Ariadne online. I already have three more parts written, but they have not been critiqued.

Comments are always welcome!

Pokemon WENT

My wife and I went for a long walk last night and today, and we collected Pokemon. Unfortunately, servers were unstable today, so we had some downtime. However, I was able to catch some good ones. I got a lot of Pidgeys, Ratattas, and Weedles, but I was able to do some evolving and powering up. I had several eggs hatch and I caught some decent strength Pokemon. I also made it to level 9. Here is my full collection. Keep in mind that I caught far more than these, but I sent a lot to the Professor so I could get candy to upgrade some Pokemon. And we probably walked well over 10 km.

And that is my collection. I still haven’t seen a Pikachu, though. I want to evolve both of my Eevees.

Do you have any good Pokemon? And are you an adult? Let me know in the comments below.