25 Facts About Me

Time to tell you a bit more about myself. Here are 25 random facts about myself. I did this in video form. Enjoy!

Yes, and Marmite. Watch to see what that means. If you want to see about my 25 bookish facts, then go to this post.

If you have any comments, please let me know in the comments below.

The Best Novel to Movie Adaptations

Are you the kind of person who gets excited when one of your favourite books is being made into a movie? Or are you afraid that they’ll completely destroy your beloved story? Well, I say “yes” to both questions.

I compiled a short list of the novel to movie adaptations that I thought were well done. And they are:

  1. Lord of the Rings trilogy
  2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  3. To Kill a Mockingbird
  4. Harry Potter series

I explained my choices in a video, which you can watch below.

What do you think are the best novel to movie adaptations? Let me know in the comments below.