Pokemon Go Is Tempting

I’m not a Pokemon fan. But seeing how so many of my adult friends are now playing it, I’m quite surprised it’s become so popular with the older demographic.

The pros: It gets you outside, it makes you walk, and you get exercise.

The cons: You could walk into traffic, you could fall off a cliff, you could wander into Area 51.

I see the appeal of the game. I’ve tried Ingress, which is actually made by the same company as Pokemon Go, Niantic. I played Ingress quite a bit in Japan, but just got it on my new phone in Canada. There are no portals near the house. I’d have to walk at least 600 metres to get to one. I should try add some.

Like Ingress, Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game. You see something other people don’t. You have a mission, and you’re playing against or with other people. In Ingress, there are two factions, and it’s a war between the two. I’m one of the Enlightened, by the way. In Pokemon Go, I believe you have to choose a team, and you walk around to capture Pokemon, and you can battle in gyms. I’ve heard that some of the gyms have been inadvertently placed inside actual churches. Or are they trying to get people to go to church? I don’t know.

But it’s very tempting. The game isn’t available in Canada yet, though. Anyone want to play? Let me know in the comments below.

Authors Answer: The Movie Part 1

Authors Answer has come to the big screen! Okay, not really. It’s come to YouTube. Every week, I’m going to make a video answering the original Authors Answer questions! It’s been quite some time since they’ve been answered, so some answers will be different. I’ll also be able to show you some things with video. So, watch my first answer!

And if you want to see my original answer, go here. If you want to make a video answering the same question, you’re very welcome to do so.

If you have any comments, please leave them below!