Week in Review – July 24, 2016

Very interesting week. Probably the biggest news is a friend of mine is moving, and she asked me if I’d like to take some of her books. Of course, I said yes! I’ll do a post about that later this week. But the big surprise is that she and her husband are going to be neighbours! They’re moving only three blocks from where we live. Wow!


I’ve been bad at this. Still at 52% in Redemption Ark. Remind me to read every day this week.




7 videos on my main channel and 2 on my new vlog channel! Okay, so two of those videos were the same, so technically it’s 8 videos. Did I mention I started a new channel? I have a big video to edit and post tonight. Actually, I’m editing and posting two videos, one on each channel.


Nothing yet.


I didn’t do anything. I really should have.

The Blog

The biggest thing that’s happening is next month. Authors Answer is having a special month. It’ll be an interesting four weeks!



The Next Week’s Goals

I have some updating work to do on the blog, and I really, really should do some reviews! I’m going to be doing some work to learn how to make end cards for videos and do some upgrading on my video editing. I also want to get completely caught up in social media.

However, probably the biggest thing I’m doing this week is making sure my C drive has enough space (moving several GB of photos and videos to my D drive) so that I can upgrade my computer to Windows 10. Hopefully it goes smoothly. Must do it this week!

How was your week? Let me know in the comments below.

Authors Answer 3 in Video Form!

Earlier today, I edited together my answer to Authors Answer 3. And my answer has changed from the original! The question was: How difficult do you find it to write characters who have vastly different beliefs than you? Take a look.

What do you think about my answer? Do you agree? How do you feel about writing characters of different beliefs than you?