Windows 10 Internet Difficulties

As I type this on my iPhone, my sister is trying to resolve an issue with her newly upgraded Windows 10. It won’t recognize the network connection. She’s upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. It’s a headache. Many solutions fail because the instructions provided fail to understand that she has no internet connection! So, she’s thinking about going back to Windows 7. 

I have yet to upgrade mine. I’m going from Windows 8.1, which has a lot more in common with Windows 10, so I shouldn’t have the same issues. I hope. 

Anyone have this problem?

Update: Restarting the modem and computer seemed to resolve it. However, some login information was lost. Oh well, it seems to work now. Next is my computer!

Major Software Upgrades Make Me Nervous

It’s July 26, only three days until the free offer for Windows 10 is finished. I haven’t upgraded yet. But I get this every day now:

windows10upgradeI’m upgrading this week, but I had to do a lot of work to free up space on my C drive. It was full of videos! I’ve since moved a lot to my D drive, and now I have more than enough space to run the upgrade. But what’s stopping me?

In the past, I’ve had trouble with upgrading software. When I upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1, I had a problem with my desktop refreshing every second, making it impossible to do anything. Turns out it was an upgrade from some other software that was hitting a lot of people. I had to restore my computer from an earlier date, and that fixed it. I’m good with computers and technology. So why do I get nervous when I have to make a major upgrade? Does anyone else feel that way?