Choose My Best Instagram Photos – Round 1, Group 44

First of all, if you haven’t voted in the last group, please do so. It needs more votes. I’d appreciate it!

There’s a lot of green in this group, and one of my favourite pictures. I wonder if you know which one it is. I thought it looked great after I took it. Let me know which picture you think I like the most.

The rules are simple. I post 10 of my Instagram photos every few days, and you get to vote on your favourites. It’s multiple choice, so please vote for 2 to 4 photos (3 is ideal). Leave a comment saying why you voted the way you did. The poll comes after the photos.

Here are the photos:


And now the vote. Please vote for your favourite photos (ideally 3, but anywhere between 2 and 4):


Thank you for the votes! Let me know which pictures you voted for in the comments below. I’d love to know what you think.

Unboxing Books – I Love the Wheel of Time Covers!

I made a second video unboxing more of my books from our move. And this time, there are a lot more fantasy novels, including most of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. But you see, the books I have were published in the UK. I’m missing the last two books in the series, and would love to find the UK edition. I’m afraid I can only find the American version in Canada. Anyway, watch and you’ll see what I mean.

Lots of Shakespeare, too. I need to get more Shakespeare. And finish the Temeraire series, as well.

Have you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments below!