Authors Answer 87 – Non-Canadian and Non-American Authors

It’s Canada Day! And Monday is Independence Day. Fireworks, festivals, good food, and fun in the sun. That’s what we think of for both holidays. But many of us just want to enjoy a book. Most readers of this blog are from the USA or Canada, so we hear about authors from North America all the time. But what about the rest of the world?

320px-Flag_of_Canada.svgQuestion 87 – It’s Canada Day! And American Independence Day is in three days. What are some non-American and non-Canadian authors you would recommend?

Tracey Lynn Tobin

I have to be honest: I’m not the type of person to pay much attention to the details of an author’s life. Mostly I just know the name of the book and the name of the author, so it’s difficult to come up with any right off the top of my head that wouldn’t be totally obvious, like, say, J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman. I’m sure I’ve probably read tons of non-North-American authors’ stuff, but I just don’t have the kind of brain that remembers names and birthplaces and the like. XD That said, Happy Canada Day!

Gregory S. Close

I always recommend Julian May, because she’s one of my favorite authors (Saga of Pliocene Exile).  I think Neil Gaiman is a fantastic writer as well – a great craftsman.  I’m just starting to delve into his books.

H. Anthe Davis

Well, I think most of my non-American reading is in the form of Japanese manga, which might not be what you’re going for, but my absolute favorite manga is Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa.  As for novelists, I am going to run off to Goodreads to see where the people I read actually come from…  Aha!  For recommendation purposes, I would pick Kate Griffin (the urban fantasy pseudonym of Brit Catherine Webb), followed by Garth Nix of Australia.  I also think Karen Traviss (of the UK) has some great original sci-fi that gets overshadowed by her Star Wars and other franchise books.  And of course there’s Erica Dakin, my British partner in (fantasy) crime.

S. R. Carrillo

The best one I’ve read (to my knowledge) would have to be the highly popular Haruki Murakami. If magical realism might be your shindig, Murakami’s gotacha covered.

Paul B. Spence

Well, I’m rather fond of Iain M. Banks and Alastair Reynolds. Anne McCaffrey sort of counts as non-American also.

D. T. Nova

I’d like to be familiar with authors from enough different countries to give a wider variety of answers, but I’m not so I’m going to say Douglas Adams, Philip Pullman, and Neil Gaiman, who are all British.

Jean Davis

Let’s go outside the box with Jo Raven from Cyprus, shall we?

Elizabeth Rhodes

I’ve recently been introduced to the Strugatsky Brothers’ work. (Yes, I know, I’m a chronic late adopter.) Fell in love with the style in Roadside Picnic and felt it ended too soon. And on the other side of the fantasy/sci-fi spectrum, I’ve always been fond of Homer’s epics.

Eric Wood

I’m drawing a complete blank on any authors whose nationality is not American or Canadian. The only two I can think of are my two favorites. One is British Author JK Rowling. I started reading Harry Potter from the time the first book was published. I was immediately hooked. I’m currently reading them with my son and he’s as hooked as I was, though he’s only 9 and I was in university when I first opened them. The second is one book that I’ve read multiple times. I even wrote in it, taking notes as I went so I could go back and really understand it. The Book Thief by Australian author Markus Zusak. His book “I Am the Messenger” is its equal. This book really  opened my eyes to alternative endings.

Jay Dee Archer

I tend to read a lot of British authors. Some of my favourites include science fiction authors Alastair Reynolds (Revelation Space) and Peter F. Hamilton (Night’s Dawn), as well as fantasy authors Terry Pratchett (Discworld) and J. R. R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings). Outside of the UK, I haven’t actually read much. But this is something I plan to change.

How about you?

What are some authors you recommend from outside of the USA and Canada? Let us know in the comments below.

Happy Canada Day! Some Canadian Authors for You

July 1st is Canada Day in Canada, and we’re celebrating Canada’s 149th birthday!Today, my family will be visiting a carnival with many rides, then later watching fireworks at night. It’ll be a busy day! It’s supposed to be very warm, too.

Have you ever read a Canadian author? I made a video all about Canadian authors. Here are five for you to check out.

Have you read any of these authors? What Canadian authors would you recommend? Let me know in the comments below!

Month in Review – June 2016

Yoyo. That describes the last four months. High, low, high, low. April was the lowest month of the year statistically. June was the second lowest. But maybe that’s because of summer. Maybe it’s also because of my focus on YouTube. I’ll talk about that later. June ended with 1,364 followers, and increase of only 25.

June Stats

June had some really slow days. It started off on a really strong day, so I thought it would continue. But it didn’t. The average number of views per day was 94, which is the second lowest this year. Only 11 out of 30 days were over 100 views. The best day of the month was June 13th with 139 views. That’s not really that high. The total number of views in June was 2,807. It was the 21st month in a row over 2,000 views. The month ended with 83,054 views. There were 63 posts in June, bringing it to a total of 1,880.

In June, there were 414 comments, which was a bit slower than usual lately, bringing it to a total of 15,006 comments.

The top ten countries were:

  1. United States (1,242 views)
  2. Canada (370 views)
  3. United Kingdom (335 views)
  4. Japan (212 views)
  5. India (108 views)
  6. Australia (71 views)
  7. Spain (35 views)
  8. Brazil (32 views)
  9. Germany (31 views)
  10. Philippines (28 views)

Top Posts

The top five posts of June were:

  1. How Do You Pronounce That? (50 views)
  2. Authors Answer 84 – Unusual Author Talents (47 views)
  3. My Daughter Loves My Little Pony (47 views)
  4. Romeo Peed on the Floor! (45 views)
  5. WordPress Now Difficult to Use With Firefox (45 views)

The most popular post written before June was a book review! It’s Book Review – Macbeth with 95 views. This is one of my posts that remains popular after so long.

My top posts didn’t exactly produce much interest. Not like usual. Here are some posts that under-performed, and I think they deserve another look.

That’s a long list. I’m thinking the problem is that blog readers aren’t as interested in vlogs, and I haven’t been keeping up with social media or comments as I usually have been. I must catch up and keep caught up, interact more, and be more active.


Still behind on these. I need to get caught up with this.

Social Media

On Twitter, I have 3,469 followers, which is an increase of 91.  I follow 3,391, which is up by 99. I finished with 8,985 tweets, with a big 170 coming in June.

On YouTube, I uploaded a whopping 19 videos in June.  I have 89 subscribers, which is a big increase of 34 from last month.  The month ended with 10,423 views, which is an increase of 625. Best month ever! This trend should continue, and possibly improve.

On Facebook, my author page has 78 followers, which is up by 3.

On Patreon, I have 0 patrons contributing $0 per month. I just started it, so it’s bound to have nothing at first.

Looking Ahead to July

I need to regroup after having such a slow month. There are a few things I need to do.

While I will still post my YouTube videos on the blog, I plan on writing more in-depth posts along with the videos. Authors Answer is also much more interesting this month.

I need to focus on the reviews, as well. I need to get some things updated on the blog, and I’m thinking about doing a lot more writing-related posts. And I want to have a return of Worldbuilding and Quick Facts.

And I think one of the biggest things I need to do is reach out to other bloggers again. I need to read more blogs, comment more, and use social media more effectively. I must catch up with that and stay up to date.

So, even though it was a slow month, and I’m guessing it’s because of the summer weather, I aim to make big improvements for July. Thank you to everyone who has faithfully read my blog! Let’s have a great July!