Week in Review – July 10, 2016

It’s been quite an interesting week. I’m babysitting the dog every night because some of the family is on a trip right now. He cries a lot at night. Right now, he’s licking himself while crying. It sounds very, very strange. Other than that, I’ve made some progress on a few things book and language-related!


I’ve read a bit more, and am now at 48% in Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds. Still, not enough read, because I’m babysitting the dog, and he’s been crying if I leave the room.




Also, nothing happening. We’ll see if it improves when I start writing again and have a bigger YouTube following.


Progress in two languages! Not only did I study more Esperanto, but finally got back into studying French again.


Another six videos posted! I’m pretty consistent on my channel. And I reached 100 subscribers! I had one of my best days in views recently, too. I have some more interesting things coming this week.

The Blog

Summer is slow. The stats are really low this month, despite the regular posting. Everyone’s going out! And thanks to Pokemon Go, I bet even more people will be going out.



The Next Week’s Goals

Hoping for 7 videos on YouTube, a couple actual book reviews, and I’ll be talking a bit about the insanity that’s been going on in the US. A bit off topic, but I have a reason for it. Oddly enough, it is book related in a way. Other than that, I have a busy week ahead. And we’ll have a visitor staying with us for the weekend!

How was your week? Let me know in the comments below.

2001: A Video Review

It’s interesting doing these retro book reviews. It’s been more than four years since I’ve read the book, but the feeling sticks with me. I may not remember all the details, but I can remember pretty well my impression of the book.

This one left a very positive memory for me. I enjoyed it very much, and it was my first five star review. So, I did a video review of it! Enjoy!

The original review is here, if you’d like to read it.

Let me know what you thought of the book in the comments below or on the original review post!